DL Open Thread Wednesday March 9th 2022

Filed in National by on March 9, 2022

Some of you may remember when I was asking the hive mind about buying an EV vs and internal combustion automobile. Well I bought the EV and it has been great. Yesterday a co-worker told me he spent over $90 to fill his GMC pickup. He gets 16 miles per gallon and is very mad at Brandon for raising gas prices.  I’m not putting this here to say that I am much smarter than my co-worker, but I am much smarter than my co-worker.

The Senate actually did something…..good?  Shocking.

The Senate on Tuesday passed sweeping bipartisan legislation to overhaul the US Postal Service’s finances and allow the agency to modernize its operations. The final vote was overwhelmingly bipartisan 79-19. The bill now heads to President Joe Biden’s desk for his signature.The Postal Service Reform Act — which cleared the House last month by 342-92 — would require retired postal employees to enroll in Medicare when eligible, while dropping a previous mandate that forced the agency to cover its health care costs years in advance. Those two measures would save the USPS nearly $50 billion over the next decade, according to the House Oversight Committee. The legislation would also require the USPS to create an online dashboard with local and national delivery time data.

Ahead of the vote on Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer touted that once the legislation passes, postal reform will finally be “signed, sealed and delivered for the American people.”


The proud boys leader has been charged with conspiracy.

The superseding indictment unveiled Tuesday includes several other members of the Proud Boys who are already facing charges for actions relating to January 6. It also reveals that Tarrio allegedly met with Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes in a Washington, DC, parking garage leading up to the riot.

Tarrio and Rhodes met for approximately 30 minutes, according to the indictment, and at least one participant “referenced the Capitol.” Tarrio then traveled to Baltimore, according to the indictment, and he was not in the District during the Capitol riot.

Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds and Starbucks are “suspending” operations in Russia.

I guess Covid is officially over.

Delaware County PA is holding a vigil to remember and honor the over 1,600 county residents who died of Covid.

University of Delaware Men’s Basketball in their conference tournament and will be playing in (perhaps) the best sporting event of the year.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Arthur says:

    The problem i have with electric cars (besides the much higher price) is they are all ugly with zero style.

    and as everyone is bitching about gas, no one seems to remember WAY back in 2008 when we were getting rid of the huge gas guzzlers. yea, that worked well. now we are even further beyond where we were as some companies are only producing one 2 sedans and the rest are suvs and pick ups

    • puck says:

      “they are all ugly with zero style.”

      Only if your sense of style is was defined by your HotWheels collection.

  2. puck says:

    Democrats are about to get Carterized on inflation and gas prices. And like Carter, it will be due to external events. It’s only a matter of time before Republicans characterize some upcoming Biden speech as his “malaise” speech.

    In the face of that, Biden for some reason is encouraging Americans to resume driving back and forth to work


    and for Federal employees, ordering them to:


    Biden seems out of touch on this issue, and should embrace and encourage (i.e., subsidize) the trend to remote work.

    I wish we were about a year into the Green New Deal.