Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 12, 2022

Abortions Are Illegal In Texas.  The last in-state appeal of Texas’ draconian law was denied by the Texas Supreme Court:

In a unanimous decision, the court ruled that state licensing officials do not have the ability to enforce the law banning abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy. This lawsuit was widely seen as the most favorable legal path to blocking the law, which has been in effect since September.

“We conclude that Texas law does not grant the state-agency executives named as defendants in this case any authority to enforce the Act’s requirements, either directly or indirectly,” Justice Jeffrey Boyd wrote in the opinion.

The Texas law makes no exception for rape or incest, but does allow the procedure for medical emergencies. In an unusual step, the law empowers private citizens to sue anyone who helps facilitate an abortion in Texas after the legal limit, from the doctor who performs the procedure to the Uber driver who takes a patient to a clinic. The law offers $10,000 to anyone who sues successfully.

Russian Military Corruption Comes Home To Roost:

On the operational level, the corruption in defense procurement has also likely undermined logistics, manifesting in soldiers receiving inadequate equipment and supplies on the ground. Poor logistics slows down the advancement of troops, undermines their morale and hinders military effectiveness.

Early on in the invasion, there were accounts indicating that some Russian soldiers received rations that had expired in 2015. Most companies responsible for providing food to the Russian military are connected to Yevgeny Prigozhin — the patron of PMC Wagner, the mercenary organization, and sponsor of the Internet Research Agency, which has been accused of meddling in the United States elections. Several years ago, Prigozhin’s companies were accused by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny of forming a cartel and gaming the state’s bidding system for defense orders, receiving contracts for several hundred million dollars. The quality of food and housing in the Russian military is reportedly worse than in its prisons, with unreasonably small meals and some carrying harmful Escherichia coli bacteria.

There are also reports that Russian advances in Ukraine were slowed by lack of fuel — and this in a country rich with oil and gas. But ineffective control over fuel consumption in the Russian military actually long preceded the war in Ukraine and had historically created opportunities for embezzlement — that is why fuel is often called the Russian military’s “second currency.” It is plausible that the long-standing tradition of corruption in fuel supply decreased the pace of Russian advancement in Ukraine.

Speaking Of The Internet Research Agency…Welcome To Russia’s Troll Farm.  The folks/bots who Trump pushed to release fake ‘news’ stories about Clinton back in 2016.

Sussex County Recommends Approval Of Pipeline Extension.  Not a done deal yet.

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