Delaware Liberal

Cruelty is the point

Chris Coons is a very popular and relevant politician. I’m an unpopular and irrelevant microbe in comparison. But if I was as popular as say… a Chris Coons, I might try to spend some of my popularity by pointing out that the policies of the Republican Party are designed to inflict pain and suffering for shits and giggles.

This Texas bill is a good example.

As with the coming bans on etopic pregnancies, this really removes any doubt about what abortion criminalization is about. There’s not even a tradeoff between the life of the mother and the potential life of a fetus — no baby is going to be born by forcing a woman to miscarry, but mothers will definitely die. It’s just pure misogynist sadism, which is what it’s always been about.

It doesn’t serve exalted bipartisanship to make waves.

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