Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday March 14th 2022

Quick Q before we start this week…What’s your spirit flower?  I’m a daffodil.  I know that’s a hackey, obvious flower but I didn’t pick it.  The daffodil picked me.  Anyhoo…I mention that here because we are now just weeks away from my heyday.  Whatever flower you are, (AzaleaTulip, Poppy, Sunflower, Rose, Orchid, Iris, Peony, Chrysanthemum, Geranium, Lily, Lotus, Dandelion, Hyacinth, Daisy, Crocus?)
enjoy your self.  Take in your beauty. Allow your spirit flower to remind you that life is wondrously beautiful.

Trump brought his shitshow to Florence SC, where he openly mentioned his plans to use his next term of office to create a dictatorship.

“We will pass critical reforms making every executive branch employee fireable by the president of the United States. The deep state must and will be brought to heel.” — Trump proposes a drastic expansion of presidential power

Critical reforms!  All the bean counters and generals that who refused to install him as King need to go.

Say what you will about the tenants of Trumpism, but at least it is an ethos.

Remember when we all talked about Texas “turning blue” in a few years?   Eh…not so much.

My annual “Fuck Iowa” post is late this year.

Making Iowa irrelevant

This is the best truism I found all of last week.  The mistake we make when fascism is in the process of taking over a country is to say – they can’t be serious.  They’re serious.

Show me the party of life

Bolden, Bush, Schwartzkopf and Smith Sink Marijuana Legalization Bill

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