Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: March 11-17, 2022

While there wasn’t much action this week, there is/was one potentially encouraging event. Here it is:

1. D Cyndie Romer Files Campaign Committee For RD 25. No, she hasn’t filed for the ballot yet.  But she appears to be a very worthy possible successor to John Kowalko. First, here is her LinkedIn profile.  What impresses me, though, is that, when you read through her social media, she is fiercely involved in supporting minority businesses, and calls out racism in all its forms.  She has spoken in favor of police refoms before the General Assembly. She has been a strong ally of Moms Against Racism and the Hispanic American Association Of Delaware. She also was part of the Back To Blue movement in 2020.  On paper, I can’t imagine a more worthy successor to Rep. Kowalko.  Does anybody know her? What do you think?  My first thought: I’m psyched!

2. R Lyndon Yearick Files For Reelection In RD 34.  Courtesy of the Delaware State News.  Hasn’t shown up on the Delaware Elections site yet, which is often a day behind.  Perhaps this is all you need to know: He is a ‘(g)raduate of the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Program’.

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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