Tucker Carlson Tells His Millions of Viewers that Transgender is Not Real

Filed in National by on March 22, 2022

Listen to Tucker Carlson intentionally misgender a Biden administration official and in so doing provide a hateful transgender-denying script to his millions of idiot viewers like Rick Jensen.  

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Rachel Levine is a biological man who has lived life as a biological man — married, kids, the whole thing, and then, at some point, fairly recently, decided, “I’m a woman, I’m dressing as a woman.” Fine. “But you have to call me a woman or else you’re a hater.” Not fine.

In October, because almost everything that’s happening at this point is almost beyond parody, on the basis of that claim, “I’m a woman,” — of course, not a woman — Joe Biden made Rachel Levine an admiral in something called the public health service. Watch.


Okay, so you’re not a female. You know, no one wants to attack you for that. That’s totally fine, but when you get up on stage and say something that everyone knows is untrue and then demand that we believe it, you degrade the rest of us. It’s outrageous, actually, and not everyone wants to play along.

So this person is now an admiral. To memorialize the moment, The Babylon Bee made Rachel Levine their “Man of the Year.” It’s a joke. But it’s kind of true. In response to this, Twitter, on which no jokes are allowed, suspended Babylon Bee for “hate speech.” So, per Twitter policy, when a man calls himself a woman, you have to pretend that person is telling the truth.

I hope it ends with Twitter being shut down by Congress, but that doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon. Has it occurred to you that, you know, some Soros-backed NGO can accuse you of treason against your own country and being a Putin supporter — which is a death penalty offense — and that’s totally fine on Twitter, but if you make fun of Rachel Levine’s ludicrous claim that he’s a woman, then you’re a hater? Like, how does this work? What are the standards here?


I wonder what kind of “middle ground” Senator Chris Coons will be able to carve out with people who say “transgender” means men pretending to be women?

If, Senator Coons, instead of accommodating this view – you decide to confront some of this among your “good friends” on the other side of reality, here is a great de-bunking of Tucker’s argument that transgender Americans are pretending.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Anon says:

    He’s not lying.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    If WDEL had any sense of decency or honesty it would remove Rick (the DICK) Jensen from his job polluting Delaware’s airwaves. Alan Loudell’s passing marked the end of any serious journalistic integrity the station may have enjoyed.
    Rep. Kowalko

    • Alby says:

      That’s not true. The news operation is separate, except for occasions when Jensen gets a newsworthy quote out of someone, and it has done valuable journalistic work.

      Jensen’s job is to get people like you angry. If you don’t listen to him — most people don’t, radio is almost as anachronistic as newspapers — there’s nothing to get worked up about.

  3. Alby says:

    Anyone care to calculate the odds that Tucker buffs his musket to trans porn?