Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday, March 29th 2022

Biden is doing too much and also not enough

Poll: A majority of Americans believe Biden has not been “tough enough” on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, but are concerned about the U.S. being drawn into an all-out war

Fiery pileup kills at least three in Pennsylvania.

It you, fellow American, don’t die of disease or old age you will probably die in a car, or slipping on a wet bathroom floor.  #freedom 

Violently anti-trans is just the beginning. If anyone thinks the GOP is not set on a full-blown fascist takeover you’ve got your head up your ass.

The absurd and slanderous Marjorie Taylor Greene (R–GA) made yet another one of her bizarro statements over the weekend, this time insinuating that Pete and Chasten Buttigieg spend time in girls’ bathrooms.

“Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycles, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms,” the unhinged lawmaker said about the United States secretary of transportation to a red-capped crowd at a Trump rally. (Video below.)

Of course this is the same anti-LGBTQ Qnut who attends white nationalist rallies, harassed a Parkland parent weeks after his child was killed in the high school shooting, and pretends to believe in Jewish space lasers to spread anti-semitic conspiracy theories, among a long list of outrageously unacceptable behavior from anyone, let alone a U.S. congressperson.

By watching the antics of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sarah Palin has recently learned that being a whack-job in congress involves very little work and reliable fundraising moolah:

Palin: … I’m going to throw my hat in the ring because we need people that have cajones. We need people like Donald Trump who has nothing to lose like me. We got nothing to lose and no more of this vanilla milquetoast namby-pamby wussy pussy stuff…

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