Delaware Political Weekly: March 25-31, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 1, 2022

1. Ex-Cop Who Is Being Sued For Sexual Harassment Running For State Senate.  Yes, we’re talking about Steve Smyk, who is looking to ‘step up’ from his state rep seat (RD 20).  Gotta say, that piece in the Cape Gazette is embarrassing, although there’s certainly truth in this:

Smyk, and fellow Cape Region legislators Lopez, and Speaker of the House Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf, D-Rehoboth Beach, have earned the moniker The Three Amigos. Smyk said their success has been based on a middle-of-the-road approach to issues that he plans to continue if elected to the Senate. (See how Smyk tricked the ‘reporter’ into suggesting that Schwartzkopf has endorsed his candidacy?  Which may be true, at least surreptitiously.  Memo to the person who ‘typewrote’ this story: Ask Schwratzkopf if he’s endorsing Smyk.  I’m sure Sussex County D’s would like to know.)

Well, that’s true.  Lopez had an affair with Kathleen McGuiness, who was Pete’s campaign treasurer, and with whom Pete has conducted joint fundraisers.  Pete, along with the other Kop Kabal leaders, have not investigated what are clearly serious allegations of sexual harassment by his Amigo Smyk against at least one fellow police officer.  Here’s the original article.   Here is my take on the original article.

Any article about Smyk’s candidacy that does not cover these allegations is incomplete. The press is obligated to share this information with the public.  Anybody know the current status of the civil suit?  Has it been settled? Has it been dismissed?  Or are the cops, per usual, claiming it’s a ‘personnel matter’ and burying anything pertinent?  Isn’t that kind of harassment a crime? Or are police also exempt from sexual harassment of fellow officers?

Everything about this stinks.

2. Republican Primary In Sussex County CD 5. Incumbent John R. Rieley filed this week. He will face off against challenger Keller Hopkins.

3. ‘Democrat’ Ryan Peters’ First Profile Doesn’t Include The Word ‘Democrat’More SD 6 shenanigans from someone who literally has never even donated to a D campaign.  I hear he’s a credible candidate.  But he is not a Democrat.  Remains to be seen how that works out in a Democratic primary.

4. Cop Retires, Runs For Kent County SheriffHarrington’s Police Chief, Norman Barlow, retires after 28 years and files to run for Kent County Sheriff. BTW, he’s been named Harrington’s ‘permanent city manager’.  Running as an R.  I guess that’s better than running for a House seat.

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    I don’t know who your source is on Ryan Peters being a credible candidate, but he’s not. This is a campaign driven by the firefighters’ crowd and his sizable ego.

    • I do have what I consider to be a pretty credible source. But I consider you a more credible source when it comes to all things Sussex County.

      So, I have a question: Do you think that Smyk is the favorite in that SD 6 contest?

  2. Sussex Worker says:

    Smyk came close to losing his 20th RD House seat in 2018 and Dave Baker almost unseated Ernie Lopez in the 6th Senate race the same year Lopez has a moderate voting record. Smyk does not

    In 2020, every Democrat on the ballot won the 20th RD and the 6th SD. The newly-reapportioned 6th has a larger Democratic plurality than even the current one

    That said, Smyk will have a difficult time winning the 6th against a good, well-funded Democrat. Ryan Peters pro-guns position and contributions to Republicans will make it difficult to win the Primary. He may have support from volunteer firefighters and local business people, but they do not vote in Democratic primaries.