DL Open Thread: Friday, April 1, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 1, 2022

Not a big fan of April Fool’s posts.  This will not be one of them. At least, not on purpose. Fools, however, will almost inevitably be present.

Did Everybody See The First Semi-Expose Of Ft. DuPont In Mainstream Media?  If not, you have now.  While it doesn’t revisit the early years when disgraced former State Rep. Dick Cathcart was given unfettered access to the purse-strings, it’s really good.  BTW, WDEL has made it really difficult to find on the current webpage.  Had to cut-‘n-paste from yesterday’s Open Thread.

Federal Judge Hands Down Sweeping Rejection Of Florida’s Anti-Voting Rights Laws.  Great news, except–surely some Trump judges somewhere will overturn this decision:

Saying that “Florida has a grotesque history of racial discrimination,” a federal district judge struck down most of a controversial election law passed in the state last year, and said the state can’t make any major changes to election regulations for the next 10 years unless a judge clears them first.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker agreed with voters who sued the state that the bill “runs roughshod over the right to vote, unnecessarily making voting harder for all eligible Floridians, unduly burdening disabled voters, and intentionally targeting minority voters — all to improve the electoral prospects of the party in power.”

Walker said that for the next decade, changes to voting laws that affect third-party registration efforts, drop boxes or “line warming” — in which volunteers offer water or chairs to people waiting in line to vote — must be approved first by the court.

DeSantis Vs. Disney–Will It Happen?  Two blind mice.

Reich: Putin Indeed HAS Relied On Sycophantic Advisors. Makes the story more plausible to me.  BTW, looks like a Russian oil depot got blown up.  Either by Ukrainians, or due to incompetence.

Sorry for this relatively-truncated version.  Got PT on my new hip at 9.  Gotta be in shape to knock doors…

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. bamboozer says:

    Ever work at a company or corporation with an all mighty CEO? Usually they accept no criticism as their job consists of taking credit and assigning blame. The result is that those close to them fear to deliver bad news and/or the truth. At some point they tend to go too far and be removed by other equally obnoxious types as the cycle goes on. This seems to be Putin, poison a few and “rub out” the rest and next thing you know their isolated in a bubble of yes men.

  2. Alby says:

    For visiting conservatives obsessed with Hunter Biden’s laptop:

    Yeah, and? You seriously want to make an issue of a failson who, at worst, is trying to cash in on his father’s fame? OK, you can complain about it right after you note that it pales in comparison to numerous crooked Trump family scams.

    Otherwise your criticism is hypocrisy.

    This site, OTOH, has made no secret of its lack of love for the Bidens. Check the archives if you don’t believe me. So not writing about Hunter’s Laptop is more about doubting the sources than rallying around Biden.

    The saddest, most ironic thing about conservatives’ limited intelligence is that it renders them incapable of realizing their limited intelligence.

  3. Erica Lindsey says:

    Thank you for keeping your eyes and ears on the Fort DuPont story from the beginning, truly appreciated!