Hey, Jane Brady, Who Invited Lauren Witzke to Cocaine Orgies?

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 1, 2022

I always thought North Carolina bozo Madison Cawthorn, like most GOP congresscritters, was engaged in performance art. But that was before he talked about fellow Republicans snorting cocaine and inviting him to orgies.

I don’t doubt it happened — my money’s on Matt Gaetz issuing the invite — but Cawthorn’s shock and indignation revealed him as a callow hayseed so green he thinks public moralizers believe their own bullshit. Worse, his loose lips have earned him vicious backlash among GOP poobahs, a fate any sensible Republican performance artist would want to avoid.

Luckily Delaware’s own froth-mouthed lady loonball, Lauren Witzke, is not a sensible performance artist. Invited onto one of those fringe-of-the-fringe nutjob shows she frequents, Witzke said Cawthorn was right.

Money quote:

“It’s upset some people in the GOP that Madison Cawthorn would have the audacity to expose them for the orgy-attending, drug-sniffing, children-raping people that they are,” Witzke explained.

Normally I’d let this pass for the nonsense it is, because while I don’t doubt that the former drug mule has been invited to cocaine-fueled orgies, I guarantee they weren’t being hosted by members of Congress. Outside of her fantasies she’s not important enough to get invited.

But here’s the interesting possibility: She might be talking about Delaware Republicans. In which case, what does Jane Brady have to say about it? C’mon, Jane, out with it — which Delaware Republicans invited your Senate candidate to child-raping, drug-sniffing orgies? And have you ever been invited to one?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Republicans never get asked about the actions and statements of other republicans. A theory which seems to have merit is that the press and America at large, has internalized this idea that Republicans don’t really have agency.

    Republicans are like rocks rolling down hill, or sharks just out to eat whatever is in front of them. They are wired to say and do crazy stuff, so there is no point in interrogating the crazy shit they say and do.

    Whereas, Democrats are viewed as having agency. Therefor every time a Democrat does or says something, all other Democrats are required to weigh in and take sides.

    • jason330 says:

      I see this in the fact that Delaware Republicans were simply NEVER asked about Trump, his policies, his whack-ass statements, or his copious crimes.

      It just doesn’t happen. But if a liberal blogger somewhere says “Defund the police” well, then every Dem office holder at every level of government is required to go in record with a reaction.

  2. Arthur says:

    So it’s all a conspiracy- the gop are child rapers and then they are done the democrats drink their blood?

  3. puck says:

    The Republican party seems more and more like an enactment of the Aristocrats joke. “And what does this act call themselves? – “The Republicans!”