Zero Tolerance for Negativity!

Filed in National by on April 1, 2022

Do you know how you know someone has been ejected from “the club”? The press is free to use the mugshot.

Employees castigated, reindictment states
April 1, 2022

A reindictment of State Auditor Kathleen McGuiness was issued by a grand jury March 28, detailing complaints from employees who say McGuiness castigates those she deems disloyal.

The latest indictment filed in New Castle County Superior Court outlines all the original counts announced Oct. 11 – felony theft, felony intimidation, and misdemeanors of conflict of interest, structuring payments that are noncompliant with procurement law, and official misconduct – with more details surrounding the felony intimidation charge.

“[McGuiness] discriminated against employees who questioned her misconduct, and enacted office policies to limit the personal activity of employees who associated with former employees,” the indictment reads. “She and her most senior staff continued castigating employees – witnesses – they deemed disloyal.”

The indictment details three intimidation incidents, the first occurring on Feb. 11 when McGuiness called an all-staff meeting to voice her displeasure over perceived leaked information.

“She told them that she used to have the staff yell out loud, ‘Confidentiality!’ and that confidentiality means what happens in this office, stays in this office,” court records read.

Near the end of the meeting, the indictment states, McGuiness warned, “We are gonna have a zero tolerance for negativity.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    The air of entitlement is palpable in Her Exalted Lordship’s pronouncements. Kathy sounds exactly like someone whose “work” has always amounted to receiving the praise of underlings. I have no doubt that she doesn’t regard any of it as intimidation or harassment.

  2. puck says:

    When I saw this post I googled for recent news about McG, and I found this other thing she is doing:

    I didn’t even know this was going on. Apparently she is suing DHSS for records to make sure they aren’t giving Medicaid benefits to the wrong people:

    “we want to ensure that DHSS is adequately determining who is eligible to receive those benefits.”

    DHSS refused to hand over the records, probably because they knew McG was up to no good.

    Examining Medicaid recipient eligiblity – what a very Republican thing to do. No doubt she wanted to spin the stats and cherrypick a few cases to gin up faux anti-dem outrage during an election year.

    She needs to be launched out of Delaware with a punkin chunkin’ cannon.

  3. Delawarelefty says:

    Time for a Democrat to launch an “Anti Corruption” campaign and primary her

    • SussexWatcher says:

      After she’s removed, I’m sure the Dems will nominate whoever Carney picks to fill the rest of the term. Probably one of his attorneys or a current Cabinet secretary.

      Wish we could have someone better.

  4. bamboozer says:

    To paraphrase Mick Jagger: You can’t always flush what you want to.

  5. Starship enterprise says:

    Hang tight better options are coming !!

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Dismissing the possibility of acquittal at trial? I’m not.

  7. SussexAnon says:

    I agree. And the vision of her in an orange jumpsuit is fun to think about.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I mean, the entire thing is very funny and fun. I feel for the regular staff, sincerely. But I’m enjoying the negativity.

      For what it’s worth, the podcast is going to cover the trial. Our first episode of the series is out this week. I’ll be attending court in-person each day and Kirsten W. and Bill M. will be recording a recap with me every evening.

      We’ll offer a “fresh perspective” that’s “totally independent”. Everyone will listen and pretend they haven’t heard it. Lol.

  8. Valentine says:

    I find it telling that her online minions engage in the same type of bullying behavior KM has been accused of. #BirdsOfAFeather

  9. SussexAnon says:

    We’ll see on Thursday how well her defense holds up. #MGInOrangeJumpsuit

    • Valentine says:

      Yeah, the “everyone else does it” defense is idiotic. Lots of people commit assault. Lots of people use drugs. Doesn’t make it not illegal.