Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, April 2, 2022

Re: Clarence Thomas: D’s Are Total Wusses.  The usual suspects doing the usual thing. Nothing:

Given his wife’s role in encouraging the effort to overturn the election that culminated in the awful events of that day, Clarence Thomas should obviously recuse himself from any case having to do with Jan. 6. But what can Democrats do about him?

This Friday, 17 progressive organizations are releasing a letter calling on Democrats to launch a congressional investigation of Justice Thomas’s “misconduct in his handling of cases regarding the January 6 insurrection, the 2020 presidential election, and other cases involving his wife’s political activities.”

As the groups note in their letter, which is spearheaded by Take Back the Court, Supreme Court justices are bound by a federal statute that says they, like other judges, should recuse themselves from any case in which their “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

Remember the idea that justices are bound by the law demanding their recusal in cases in which their impartiality could be questioned? That’s not exactly true, because there’s no body or agency with authority over the Supreme Court to force compliance with the rules. Justices decide for themselves whether they should recuse in any given case. Clarence Thomas just won’t, because he almost never recuses himself, and the very fact that Democrats are demanding it makes it less likely that he will.

Which Democrats know. They also know it’s unlikely that an investigation would result in an impeachment, let alone a conviction. Many Democrats probably think that, ethically speaking, Thomas isn’t quite guilty of a felony, and so impeachment might not be warranted; you’d need Republicans to convict him, which would absolutely never happen.

Those practical considerations will stay most Democrats’ hands. But when Republicans are in this kind of position, they don’t care whether the practical goals of such an effort will come to pass. For them, raising a stink is an end in itself.

The stink is on the D’s who refuse to raise a stink.

Labor Wins Staten Island Election To Unionize Warehouse.  It’s Amazon’s only unionized workplace in America.  Hmmmm, could this come to Delaware?  What would John Carney do?

Which Is Worse? Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Or Trump’s 7-Hour Gap On January 6?  Some mouth-breather came on our blog yesterday to call Hunter Biden’s laptop the ‘800-pound gorilla’.  Right. Biden’s alleged ne’er-do-well son (as opposed to, say any of Trump’s offspring, who define the term ‘moral rectitude’) has engaged in more insidious behavior than Trump’s actions during his attempt to overthrow the election.  It’s Rethugs raising a stink. Thanks to wuss Democrats, they manage to equate disproportionate sins as if they balance each other out.

Dog Bites Man: GOP Claims That Small Business Is Overregulated.  Because Bryon Short, Quin Johnson, and now Bill Bush haven’t bent over far enough to give business everything they wanted, thanks to the Business Lapdog Committee.

Just read the Delaware State News’ article on Steve Smyk’s entry into the SD 6 race.  No mention of the sexual harassment charges.  Reportorial malpractice.  It should be mentioned in every story on his candidacy. While it wasn’t, Smyk mentioned God, who presumably has no problem with sexual harassment.

What do you want to talk about?

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