The Case for Biden

Filed in National by on April 3, 2022

I just want to remind everyone that the case for Biden (over Sanders) was that Biden had friendships and great working relationships with Republicans that he served with in the Senate.  They would respect him and Biden would “break the fever” that the radicalized GOP was suffering from.

So how’s that project going?  

Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) last week presented records of Biden’s dealings with a Chinese company on the Senate floor, part of a probe by the senators into the Biden family’s business dealings.

At a Tuesday oversight hearing, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee asked Bryan Vorndran, assistant director of the FBI’s cyber division, about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Vorndran repeatedly answered that he had no information about it.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    We know that Sanders would not have been constantly playing defense and trying to court Manchin and Sinema. If he failed for lack of Dem votes – “Hey Democrats, look at who is fucking shit up.”

    Maybe it wouldn’t have worked, but it would have been forward movement.

    I’ll take that over Biden’s “strategy(?)” of constantly trying to water down the Democratic Party’s brand. It is never watery enough for Republicans and the faithless Democrats. I don’t get why Biden and Nathan Arizona (for example) don’t get the futility of that strategy.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Do you think that President Manchin would be working with sub-President Sanders?

    • RE Vanella says:

      No but sub president Sanders wouldn’t have gotten played on the bipartisan “deal” that sank the BBB.

      Sub president Sanders would have told the American people whose fault it was that the Child Tax Credit direct payments ended sinking millions of children back into poverty.

      Sub President Sanders would not have proposed $30 billion more in military spending than the military asked for.

      And so on.

      And if sub President Sanders didn’t do these things… and didn’t rally the American people to action I wouldn’t lower myself to make lame excuses like you do and blame somebody else

      • liberalgeek says:

        I don’t disagree with these points, but it would pretty much be right where we are now. Sanders would have told the American people whose fault is all was and that part of the Tuesday afternoon speech would end up on the cutting room floor.

        I am not blaming anyone else. I’m saying that this is the likely outcome in the alternate reality of Sanders getting nominated and potentially winning. And I doubt that Sanders would have the Infrastructure Bill passed while the same loons that are screaming that Biden is a socialist would have a field day.

        • RE Vanella says:

          The idea that someone else would do it differently but arrive at the same place is just something you tell yourself so you never take any risk of actual improvement.

          I wish people would just say “I am committed to the status quo.” 40% more children in poverty is fine because I am committed to this course of action.

          We have to have a homelessness problem and no universal healthcare, otherwise Trump will win.

  3. nathan arizona says:

    Tell me again why you’d rather have President Trump than President Biden? There would have been no President Sanders.

    • jason330 says:

      Biden Net Approval Among:
      Gen-Z/Millennials: -23%
      Gen-X: -24%

      When the Dems lose the mid-terms, and Trump returns remember to yell at me that it is the liberals fault for not clapping hard enough for Biden’s glorious moderation.

  4. nathan arizona says:

    I was talking about the 2020 election. As for Biden’s approval ratings now, remember that Gen X is not so young anymore (oldest in their 50s). Polls suggest they skew towards the middle politically, which might account for their disapproval of Biden. Even millennials are hitting their 40s. I think you’ve got a lot riding on Gen Z.

    Personally, I would move farther left if I thought that’s what it took to beat trump and his ilk.

  5. jason330 says:

    This thread is like a poultice. It is a minty salve that I will rub into my temples when Trump wins. I will be at peace knowing that the way of glorious moderation won by losing (somehow) yet again.

    In the meantime, if you don’t think I’m clapping hard enough for Biden now, wait until you feel the deafening silence I have on tap for the months prior to the election.

  6. Arthur says:

    Biden, Bernie, trump – trump was just the worst choice of 3 old white men. With the state of the world right now Bernie’s approval would be the same as Biden.