DL Open Thread Monday April 4 2022

Filed in National by on April 4, 2022

Why does Delaware want to protect only the bad cops?

That’s a great questions posed in the Delaware Call by .    By wrapping the bad cops in LEOBOR cotton, it’s as if certain Delaware State Senators couldn’t give a fuck about the good cops.

I mean, imagine if 95% of anesthesiologists were good and 5% were a collection of incompetent boobs, apathetic loafers and murderous psychos.  Do you think the 95% would appreciate your dogged efforts to protect the 5% at all costs?   I kinda doubt it.

Pretending that faithless Democrat’s (Coons, Manchin, Sinema, etc) are “sober centrists” is simply wrong.  

The Coonsian Corporate Wing of the Democratic Party is Murdering Joe Biden’s Presidency

David Weil was one of Biden’s best appointees. The author of the classic book The Fissured Workplace, Weil is an expert on all the ways that corporations cheat workers out of earnings.

Biden reappointed him to the job he had under Obama, as head of the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division. In the intervening years, Weil has been my colleague as the dean of Brandeis University’s Heller School, where he has become an even more astute critic of labor abuses such as wage theft, misclassification of gig work, and the government’s underutilized powers to defeat them.

Word of this evidently reached corporate boardrooms. Weil’s confirmation was blocked by Republicans in committee for months. Democrats finally forced a Senate floor vote. But on Wednesday, three Democratic senators—Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and a novel faithless Democrat, Mark Kelly of Arizona, refused to support cloture and Weil went down, 47-53.

Politico described the trio as three of the caucus’s moderates. They are nothing of the sort. They are corporate.

Of the three, only Kelly is up for re-election, and in a swing state. But think about it. Is Kelly going to gain support because he voted against protecting workers from wage theft? Do swing voters even pay attention to confirmation of subcabinet appointees?

No, this is all about sucking up to corporate money and doing the bidding of America’s elites. Democrats failing to deliver for working families for decades brought us Trump. The more that corporate fakes like Kelly continue this shabby tradition, the more they prevent Biden from restoring a credible Democratic Party.

Why is an industry allowed to continue to pretend that climate change isn’t real, and why are they allowed to buy congress to promote that fantasy?

How Oil Lobbyists Use a Rigged System to Hamstring Biden’s Climate Agenda

Sep 30, 2021 — The oil and gas industry and their trade associations have spent $55.6 million on lobbying since the beginning of the year alone. In 2020, that …

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mouse says:

    Exactly, it’s only the malicious reality show white resentment and religious fanaticism of the GOP that makes the Democratic party look any better.