Bill McSwain – Very Openly Racist Candidate for PA Governor

Filed in National by on April 7, 2022

This guy wants to put “criminals, rioters & looters in jail.”   He wants to “restore freedom and law & order.”

I wonder if he is talking about white “rioters and looters?”   Of course he isn’t.  So many GOP primaries will come down to who has the money to be the most racist on TV for the longest.






About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    ” Restore Law & Order”, code for an authoritative government and the classic Nazi mind set that never met a jail they didn’t yearn to fill. As noted the money will come from the radical far right, unabashed racists one and all.

  2. Arthur says:

    Here’s the issue. We all know what the GOP is about. What are the democrats about?

    • jason330 says:

      That is the eternal question. There are many in party leadership that are very content to be the party of “we are slightly less terrible than Republicans.” and others, mostly powerless dipshits on blogs, who think the party should aim higher.

  3. Alby says:

    I thought it was good advice when Trump told Republicans to drink bleach, because bleach is always the best way to treat shit stains.

  4. nathan arizona says:

    Bamboozer – Not sure equating law and order with a “nazi mind set” is necessarily a good idea. Surely law and order is not always opposed to fairness and justice. For what it’s worth, a major new survey says it’s primarily blacks who want increased police protection. Who didn’t? White liberals who probably don’t live in those “bad areas.” Not exactly sure what all this means but to me it’s worth thinking about.

    I am pretty sure, though, that more republicans drinking bleach is a good idea.

  5. Mary says:

    Who is funding this guy’s campaign? His commercials are on the local news several times each day. This has been going on for a few months. I can’t fathom how much money has been sunk into this. Can someone also tell me when playing the veteran card became a way to get elected?

    • Alby says:

      From the Philadelphia Inquirer three days ago. I’m a subscriber so I don’t know if it’s behind a paywall, so to summarize (read the whole article if you’re interested in details):

      McSwain raised just over $1.4 million since January, bringing his fund-raising since he entered the primary in September to just under $3 million.

      That means political action committees run by the Commonwealth Partners Chamber of Entrepreneurs spent twice as much to help McSwain in the first three months of 2022 than he raised in nearly seven months.

      McSwain can thank Pennsylvania’s richest man, Jeff Yass, a Main Line billionaire investor known for sinking millions into helping mostly conservative candidates. Forbes estimates his fortune, built by cofounding the stock-market trading firm Susquehanna International, at $12 billion.

      • Joe Connor says:

        So on this day after isn France, what do you do if LaPen wins?

        • Alby says:

          We’ll see. But I don’t think she will. Was surprised that Hidalgo (Socialist Party) endorsed him; Mèlenchon didn’t say “vote for Macron,” but he did say “don’t vote for Le Pen.” The only way Macron loses is if too many people stay home, a la Hillary, and they tend not to stay home if it looks like Le Pen will win.

          The right-wing threat appears to have been overhyped by English-speaking media.