General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, April 14, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 14, 2022

Here’s yesterday’s Session Activity Report.  Both HB’s 371 and 372  were released from House committees, meaning marijuana legalization is not dead yet.  I was pleased and somewhat surprised that HS1/HB293 was released, but now I know why: The bill doesn’t do what I thought it did.  The General Assembly would indeed to continue to exempt itself from requirements imposed on other state agencies.  Looks like the only way to change that is through a Constitutional Amendment.  Oh, well.  And, yes, Ken Simpler is now a member of the Board Of Pension Trustees, where he will continue to preach the Gospel of Budget-Smoothing.  Proving that, when it comes to John Carney, budget-smoothing and buttocks smooching go, um, hand in hand? (Hey, I write a lotta copy each week.  Not everything is top-drawer.)

Looks like Paid Family & Medical Leave will pass the House today.  Hopefully unamended.  Let’s see if any Rethugs (and Bill Bush) vote for it.  Michael Smith’s voting record seriously lends itself to a D challenger.  Will he add to his list of bad votes today?  The entire Agenda also features the Ft. DuPont Cash Cow bill. Assuming there are no D absences, the bill will likely pass.  More on that bill soon.

Today’s Senate Agenda features that $300 tax rebate you’ve all been waiting for.  The good news?  If you’d like to donate some of the proceeds to progressive candidates, I’ll have at least two more deserving of your largesse in tomorrow’s Political Weekly.

Both SB 90 and SS1/SB 167 (both Lockman) seek to provide protections and housing opportunities for low-income individuals and families.

All in all, a pretty good Agenda.

Wow, that didn’t take long.  No sense overstaying my welcome.

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  1. Gary Myers says:

    Will the $300 rebate – defined in one part as a refund of 2022 state taxes – fall within the definition of “income” under the federal tax code and this be subject to federal income tax liability?

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Above my pay grade. That’s why we have a financial planner.

      I rely on others who post here to answer questions like that.

      Maybe if I knew more about money, I’d have more of it…

      • Harold says:

        I believe I read somewhere it is not but you should probably get a hard answer from somewhere more authoritative first

    • Bane says:

      The state will probably not tax it, however the feds will totally consider it income and tax it. So expect your $300 to actually be closer to $270 if the state withholds on behalf of the federal government. If the state doesn’t withhold for Uncle Sam, then you’ll owe next year when you file your 2022 taxes

  2. puck says:

    “French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen called Wednesday for reconciliation between NATO and Russia, and reiterated a pledge to pull French personnel out of NATO’s integrated command if she is elected president on April 24.” (WaPo)

    ” Le Pen angered by protest over ties to Putin” (BBC)

    The BBC report was about Le Pen thugs manhandling a woman who held up a sign at her event.

    “The protester was dragged along the floor after she held up a heart-shaped sign showing Ms Le Pen meeting the Russian leader in 2017.

    Hitting back at critics, Ms Le Pen said people should be outraged that election press conferences could be disrupted.”

    The thuggishness, the petulance, and the and victim-crying sounds… familiar.

    • jason330 says:

      The press simply loves the angry, gaudy freak show that is basically any rightwing politician.

      …throughout the election season I would rank, from most covered to least covered, the coverage of the campaigns of the various candidates in the American news sources I read roughly as follows:

      Marie LePen (far right)
      Éric Zammour (really far right)
      Emmanuel Macron (center-right)*

    • puck says:

      Oops, wrong thread.

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    Paid Medical & Family Leave passes House, 29-11, 1 absent. All D’s vote yes, and are joined by Hensley, Ramone, and M. Smith.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    Amended , back across the Hall

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Passed in the Senate with the new House Amendment.

      Heads to Governor.

      • Andrew C says:

        “This is a historic day for Delaware and a watershed moment for working families throughout the First State. Thousands of families throughout our state are now one signature away from having the security and peace of mind that comes from knowing they will be able to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads even as they face some of the most common challenges that we all face as human beings,” said Sen. Sarah McBride, the bill’s primary sponsor. “This major step forward would not have been possible without the hard work and persistence of advocates, business leaders willing to come to the table, statewide leaders and a bi-partisan coalition of legislators, and the overwhelming support of Delawareans.”
