Delaware Political Weekly: April 8-14, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 15, 2022

1. DeShanna Neal Files To Primary Kop Kabalist Larry Mitchell In RD 13. Make no mistake-this immediately becomes one of the highest-priority contests for Delaware progressives this election cycle.

Who She Is, and Why She’s Running.

Right on time, you can listen to DeShanna’s interview with the Rev in the Highlands Bunker.

You can then donate and volunteer for her campaign right here.

I’m making my first contribution today, I encourage all progressives to join me.

2. Nicole Poore’s D Primary Opponent Just MIGHT Be A Worthy Challenger.  His name is James Welsh, and he is running as a progressive.  His website went live this week.  Check it out. And maybe, just maybe, donate.  Here’s his bio:

Born and raised in Delaware, James knows a thing or two about the big challenges our little state is facing.  Diagnosed with a severe speech impediment when he was a child, his outlook was grim, with his parents being told to prepare for him never learning how to speak properly.  It wasn’t until he was enrolled into a speech therapy program being offered for free at Maclary Elementary School that his diagnosis began to brighten.  But it didn’t stop there – the program instilled in him a lifelong need to improve his speaking, culminating in him earning his M.A. in English.  Now, he can talk as well as anyone else.

None of this would have been possible without the investment the state made by offering free assistance to those with speech and developmental disorders.  And this free assistance wouldn’t have been possible if Governor Castle’s administration had its way.  The governor had left out the program’s funding from his recommended state budget, apparently believing there was such a thing as investing too much in children’s futures.  It wasn’t until advocates lobbied their state legislators that the program was included in the budget.  If it wasn’t for that program, then James would have never found his voice – literally.

Not all of our fellow Delawareans are as fortunate as James was.  And so, with almost a decade’s worth of experience in the banking industry, identifying risks and launching creative solutions to fix them, James hopes to provide his problem-solver mindset to investing in the right answers to our problems.

James lives in New Castle with his pointer mix dog, Norah.  He is a supporter of progressive causes and regularly donates to a number of civil rights, LGBT advocacy, and women’s health groups.

Need I point out that James is running against one of Delaware’s most corrupt legislators in recent history?  Nah, guess not, you already knew that.

3. Brian Pettyjohn, With Or Without His Wife, Running For Reelection In SD 19. Interesting.  He had thought he had wired a job with the Sussex County Department Of Elections.   He was wrong. Word was that his wife wanted him out of the political arena.  Ruth Briggs King had already filed a committee to run for what was expected to be an open seat.  Wonder if she’ll primary him.  He’s already made clear that he’s mentally checked out of the General Assembly.  Could be a nice political soap opera here…

4.  R Files For The Brand New Sussex-Based RD 4. Dr. Bradley Layfield.  Not your typical Rethug candidate, at least not based on his occupation.  He’s a public high school principal–Sussex Central.  Of course, he took the Athletic Director route to the position. In fact, he’s also been Chair of the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association.  Gotta say, he seems, um, normal.  Wonder if he’ll face an RWNJ primary opponent.

5. Filing. D Rep Eric Morrison (RD 27).

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Been listening to DeShanna’s interview w/Rob. She’s incredibly personable.
    Man, if she can get the resources, I think she’s gonna win.

    Let’s help get her those resources.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    “Normal” Layfield? Sorry guys!

  3. If you listen to DeShanna’s interview (she’s the one NOT dropping the F-bombs), you will flat-out get Marie Pinkney and Madinah Wilson-Anton vibes.

    Seriously, she’s incredible.

    Please listen. Please donate. If you can, please volunteer. Trust me, nothing is more satisfying than taking part in a grassroots campaign that results in the election of someone special.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I was the bad one. I have a dirty mouth. Just filth.


      You’re absolutely correct in your observation. DeShanna is charismatic and engaging in person. Super candidate.

      • Can you picture her and Mitchell in the same public forum?

        BTW, made my first contribution today. More after I get that rebate check…

        • RE Vanella says:

          Here’s what I think. I think it used to be that local DE politicians like Larry Mitchell. Larry Mitchell types. Would laugh off primaries like this.

          Do you think Team Mitchell is laughing today? I bet he isn’t.

          • I can tell you for a fact (sourced) that he was panicked before she even filed. Bottom line: He hasn’t had to run for a long time, he really has been lazy, and he has no idea how to even run a campaign.

            Not 100% sure he stays in.

  4. bamboozer says:

    If she can beat the Kop Kabal take my money, this is huge.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    The Layfields are politically connected, and the current generation seems to largely work for Indian River. Brother Rodney is president of the Indian River school board and a DSP captain. Brad is highly ambitious and a good ol’ boy who will definitely be part of the rock-solid conservative segment in the General Assembly.

  6. ‘DSP captain’. Why am I not surprised? Probably has Pete’s blessing. Who knows, Pete probably made sure he was in the district.

  7. Andrew C says:

    You linked the wrong thing for James Welch; you just copy/pasted the link from above it again. I guess that means nobody clicked on it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Here’s the right one:

    He looks REALLY familiar and I know this name for sure. I think I might have taught him in high school. If so, he was an extraordinary student and years beyond his peers in work ethic and empathy. A terrific kid! Er, young man!

    • Thanks. JEE-zus, all these links.


      BTW, it’s impossible to tell how many people TRIED to click on James Welsh’s link b/c DeShanna has gotten a bleepload of clicks, some of which likely would have gone to Welsh.