Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, April 16, 2022

Trump Seeks To Impose His Will With Dubious Endorsements.  Dr. Oz? J. D. Vance?  I dunno:

Trump’s decision, against the advice of some of his advisers, plunged the former president deep into a messy primary — sparking an internecine fight among some of his own advisers along with considerable backlash from many other Republicans.

“I’m a gambler,” Trump said, explaining to one adviser why he wanted to get into the Pennsylvania race, according to a person who heard his comments and who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal private discussions.

With his endorsements of Oz, Senate candidate Ted Budd in North Carolina, gubernatorial hopeful David Perdue in Georgia and, on Friday, author and Senate candidate J.D. Vance in Ohio, Trump has leaped into the middle of several competitive primaries that could put his desired image as a kingmaker at risk.

In key contests, Trump’s statements have not cleared the field like they once did — and some advisers fear he has diluted his endorsements by backing hundreds of candidates, some for low-level positions, because of their willingness to support his false claims of a fraudulent election.

What’s kinda cool is, Trump’s gambling, as always, with OPM.  Leaving GOP disarray behind.

Wind Power Surpasses US Coal-Fueled And Nuclear Energy For First Time.  Behind natural gas.  March 29, 2022.  Incremental progress, but progress nevertheless.  Just a question: As climate change causes more extreme weather, shouldn’t that also generate more wind to fuel wind power?

Vladimir Creating Putinkin Village?  Allegedly purging so many government officials that there will nobody left but Putin to do anything.  Remind you of anybody?

Trump-Endorsed Groper Facing Multiple Accusations In Nebraska.  I think it’s long past time to do a deep dive into the ‘entitled male privilege’ that both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump exercised.  Along with Jeffrey Epstein. These are disgraceful figures, and deserve to be exiled into purgatory.  You can bet that there are tons of elected and appointed government officials who have exercised that same ‘privilege’. Trump seems to endorse officials at least because of their malignant treatment of women.

AUDIO: Far-Right Paramilitary Member Threatens Far-Right Woman Against Testifying Before Jan. 6 Panel.  Because this was clearly an attempted coup.  Perhaps Merrick Garland will take notice.

Decrepit Non-Functioning Senators Are Nothing New.  They’re at least as unwilling to bow to the inevitable as Supreme Court Justices:

The issue is not Feinstein’s past record, though, but her present and future. And refusing to know when to leave is a tradition as venerable in the Senate as Feinstein. Over history, 301 senators have died in office, and though some were struck down by accidents or illnesses long before their time, others were quite elderly. Some have remained mentally sharp but physically ill, jeopardizing their ability to serve; others have stayed physically fit but struggled mentally.

Same thing’s true, or used to be true, in Dover.  Jim Vaughn, Herman Holloway, Sr., and Uncle Thurm Adams being among recent examples.

Rebecca Walker’s Defense?  She ‘Never Intended’ To Commit Crimes.  Never intended to do her job either.  Bethany Hall-Long owes us an explanation as to how her long-time ally graduated from this job to an even more important one. It clearly wasn’t on merit:

Walker’s defense attorney John Malik argued that his client “never intended to commit any of these crimes.” The attorney noted that prosecutors must show intent to defraud or misrepresent the test results in order for Walker to be found guilty.

Malik said that neither Walker nor the state employees under her “personally benefitted” from the incorrect test records and that it was simply a “mistake.”

Of course she benefited.  She got this job b/c of her fealty to the police, then proceeded to protect them from mandated drug and alcohol tests. Since cops were protected from violating drug and alcohol protocols, how could they have not been beneficiaries of Walker’s ‘mistakes’?   BTW, how is it a ‘mistake’ to not do your fucking job? Answer: Because she knew her job was to provide cover to the cops, not to serve the public.

What do you want to talk about?

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