DL Open Thread Tuesday April 19 2022

Filed in National by on April 19, 2022

Whackjob Trump appointed judge unilaterally sets new public health policy.  Remember when Coons worked feverishly to push through a mess of whack-job Trump judges by voting them out of committee, then covered his ass by voting “nay” in the full Senate?  Good times.

A former caseworker and campaign aide for Rep. Madison “fun drives” Cawthorn (R-NC), Lisa Wiggins doesn’t have anything good to say about her former boss.

“He’s a habitual liar, and he’s going to say and do anything he can to your face, but behind your back, he’s completely opposite,” Wiggins said in a recorded phone conversation with David Wheeler, the co-founder of the American Muckrakers PAC. “People need to know how this man really is…He’s still got a lot of people fooled.”

From The Daily Beast:

Wiggins, 46, filed a workplace complaint against Cawthorn, alleging he violated the Family and Medical Leave Act by rejecting her plea to take leave when she endured a series of family crises. In a litany of accusations, Wiggins further attested that Cawthorne systematically avoided speaking with constituents because “he doesn’t care about” them and that his office is routinely stocked with more liquor than water bottles.

Here is a twitter thread that will tell you how (and why) chickens got so big and flavorless. 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    I think the Democratic Party’s motto should be, “Somebody Should Do Something.” They act like it already is.

    • Jason330 says:

      When Republicans are in the majority Democrats have no power. When Democrats are in the majority Democrats have no power

      • Alby says:

        But…but… if they do what we elected them to do, the people who didn’t vote for them last time won’t vote for them next time. For some reason they think it very important to cater to the people who keep kicking them.

        It’s learned helplessness on a national scale.

  2. Alby says:

    This is what Republicans want to turn the whole country into. Makes you glad that Delaware politicians are such pikers:


  3. bamboozer says:

    In the words of Will Rogers: “I belong to no organized party, I am a Democrat.
    Wisdom of the ages or what?