Burn the entire corrupt edifice down

Filed in National by on April 20, 2022

According to Senator Chris Coons, the bad liberals and progressives (who hold all the power in the Democratic Party) put us in this dire situation by not clapping hard enough for glorious centrism.

Trumpism Resplendant

There’s something much worse than losing the House, and possibly the Senate, that’s rattling top Democrats who are studying polling and election trends:The big picture: It’s the possibility of a re-elected President Trump with a compliant, filibuster-proof Senate majority in January 2025.

The bottom line: David Shor, one of Democrats’ most respected data scientists, has been sounding the alarm for months. “Unless we see big structural changes in the Democratic party’s coalition,” he tweeted, the 2024 outcome could be “Donald Trump winning a *filibuster-proof trifecta* [House, Senate, White House] with a minority of the vote.”


“Structural changes” in this context typically means even more vigorous obsequiousness and further watering down popular Democratic policies until they are 99.99999999999% water.

If that fails (and it always fails) Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family should have a jet fueled and ready on the tarmac.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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