Delaware Liberal

Biden is about to choke on this Student Debt layup, landing funny on his ankle breaking it

I hate being able to see the future with such clarity.  But Joe listens to too many sober centrist moderates.  (That’s generous, maybe the sober centrist moderate he is listening to Joe Biden’s internal monologue?  Who knows.)

Anyway, he could forgive student debt and let the Republicans & Coons have their conniption fit.  They’ll have their conniption fit no matter what.

Just don’t fuck it up by means testing and forcing everybody into some complicated tax rebate scheme bullshit to get the money.

As I type that I know (100%) he is going to fuck it up.


Sahil Kapur
NEW: In a private meeting, Biden gave CHC members the impression he’s leaning toward student debt forgiveness. A source familiar w/ Biden admin’s thinking says NO DECISION is made and that any loan cancellation would be linked to income, a la ARP checks.




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