Filed in National by on May 2, 2022

High up on the long list of things that I don’t get is –  why Delaware Democrats allow Delaware Republicans to run away from Trump, run away from McConnell and run way from basic GOP policies.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Ramone is excited – Trump just endorsed him. “Mike Damone is great. Always done great things – from his tickets at Ridgemont High…”

  2. SussexAnon says:

    There’s always an incumbent advantage but with the numbers in District 21 (Dems: 8,504 GOP: 5,214 Ind: 5,373) and Ramone’s transformation, isn’t there someone to run against him?

  3. jason330 says:

    Mike’s campaign signage was prescient.