Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: April 29-May 5, 2022

1. Felon-To-Be (?) Files For Reelection.  Kathleen McGuiness, of course, as a Democrat.  For State Auditor. Will any self-styled leader within the Party do anything to find a challenger to this unhinged and unethical public official?  Doesn’t anybody have an alarm clock over at Delaware Centrist Party HQ?

2. Gettin’ Mighty Crowded In SD 14.  Too crowded. We now have four D’s who have filed to succeed the retiring Sen. Bruce Ennis.  All of them are, at least, reasonably well-qualified. The latest entry, one Robert Sebastiano (Unbossed And Unbought), pledges to bring ‘common sense back to Delaware’.  Apparently it went over to New Jersey to buy some pot, and never came back.  He proudly proclaims himself a centrist and quotes Hubert Humphrey.  OK, fine.  Here’s the problem, and it’s not (just) with Rob:  We have four (all things being equal) good candidates in this primary.  I’ll wager that at least three of them, if not all four, live in Lumpy Carson’s House District.  (a) He’s an idiot. (b) He doesn’t go anywhere (except Happy Hour) w/o Pete ‘n Val’s blessing.  He’s both bossed and bought. (c) He’s lazy as shit and will be defeated by a decent D. (d) The district is solidly D.  Can’t one of you, any one of you four, switch to the House race?  Three out of four of you won’t win this primary.  If one of you flips to challenge Ol’ Lump, two out of four of you will win. Not to mention, it’s far easier to knock doors in a Rep. district than a Senate district.  Just about twice as easy, in fact.

3. Report From Lower Slower.  Stolen verbatim from one of our best posters, SussexWatcher:

Dispatch from the Southern Territories …

Republican Candice Green Wilkinson has filed to run for Sussex County Register of Wills. If that name is familiar, it’s because her mom, Cindy Green, held the same job before getting elected to Sussex County Council a few years ago. Candice was treasurer for her mom’s campaigns. I have no idea what her experience is. Looks like the Green family really wants to keep that job in the family.

There’s a Democratic incumbent, Ellen Magee, who was appointed to fill the rest of Cindy Green’s term. (She is the only Democratic officeholder in Sussex aside from Pete.)

There is also already a Republican candidate who’s filed – turncoat and perennial loser Greg Fuller, who was appointed to the Register of Wills job 14 years ago by Minner but then lost to Green twice. He switched parties from D to R to great GOP fanfare, and now has to be beaten in a primary. Poor guy just can’t get a break.

(This is your regular reminder that Fuller also has run and lost for the state House and Lt. Gov.)

I could get used to this.

4. Filings.  Sen. Spiros Mantzavinos (D-SD7); Rep. Kendra Johnson (D-RD5).

That’s all I’ve got.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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