DL Open Thread: Sunday, May 8, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on May 8, 2022

Happy Mothers’ Day–whether you want to be a mother or not.  You may soon have no choice.

The 49-Year Crusade To Overturn Roe v Wade.  The Federalist Society, yet another pox on America:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell still remembers the shock he felt when Donald Trump won the 2016 election. He also recalls what happened next.

“The first thing that came to my mind was the Supreme Court,” McConnell said in an interview this past week, remembering his reaction that night as he watched results from a basement office at the National Republican Senatorial Committee. He soon called Donald McGahn, campaign counsel to the president-elect, who was slated to become the top White House lawyer.

A week later, Leonard Leo, the head of the conservative Federalist Society and a McConnell ally, was sitting with the president-elect and his advisers in Trump Tower in New York with a list of six potential conservative nominees alphabetically typed onto a piece of personalized stationery, according to people familiar with the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal discussions.

As incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus and Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, came in and out of the room, Leo laid out a road map for Trump on the federal court system, potentially transforming the foundational understanding of rights in America.

Trump Proposed Launching Missiles Into Mexico.  You know, to destroy ‘drug labs and the cartels’.  And then blame it on someone else.  Brilliant.  The excerpts from this upcoming book from former Defense Secretary Esper demonstrate Trump’s utter insanity.  Won’t matter.

Clarence Thomas To Abortion Rights Supporters: ‘Deal With It’.  He has truly been a radical on the Supreme Court.  Trying to remember, who ran those Senate hearings on Thomas?

Should Delaware Be The First State To Hold Presidential Primary In 2024?  Uh, no. Either Biden will run for reelection, or his endorsement, should he make one, will carry too much weight.  Besides, Delaware? Why?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    I had Mexico in the Who Will Trump Start a War With pool. Woulda won it, too, if it wasn’t for that pesky Deep State.

  2. jason330 says:

    Sad thing about Trump wanting to shoot missiles into Mexico is that Republicans (not named Esper) would have supported him in that.

  3. Dave says:

    Glad he was disuaded from firing those missiles. Regardless, addicted America will get their drugs from somewhere.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, absent Biden (2028), Delaware as the first state to campaign makes a lot of sense.

    It’s small, so candidates can easily attend events up and down the state in a day without burning tons of jet fuel. It’s easily accessible from DC, so Senators and Representatives can easily have breakfast in Wilmington, vote on shit in DC and be back for an evening fundraiser in Georgetown.

    Plus, we have urban(ish), suburban and rural voters. No TV stations to spend millions on, so it’s a ground game. Plus, we have a pretty good DoE that actually can count votes (I’m looking at you Iowa!).

    • El Somnambulo says:

      The next presidential primary season will not be absent Biden, though. Of course, if he announces in the next month or so that he’s not running, well, that’s a different story. But he won’t (nor should he) do that until after the midterms.

      • liberalgeek says:

        That’s why I said 2028. At this point, it would be dumb for 2024. But I think it’s a better predictor than Iowa or New Hampshire.

        • El Somnambulo says:

          I guess. There are more than a few Delawareans, though, who I would HATE to see pontificating for the cameras.

          • Hop-Frog says:

            I agree that Delaware would be a better predictor, but I also agree that there are plenty of folks who’d embarrass our great state , though it would sure be fun — plus our local hoteliers and restaurateurs would certainly love to have all the business.

    • Alby says:

      Don’t be naive. The Philly airwaves would be blanketed with ads, and the Philly market isn’t cheap.

      All this presumes, of course, that this is a good way to choose candidates in the first place. I don’t think anybody believes it is.

      • liberalgeek says:

        That might be true, but Philly stations won’t reach the whole state.

        And, of course, I’m working within the system that already exists. It’s a bad system. But within that system, Delaware would be more representative than IA or NH, plus all of the advantages above.

        Until we as a society decide to find a better solution to the problem, we can try to make the system better.

        • Alby says:

          In a Democratic Party primary, it’s not important to reach the whole state. Two-thirds of the voters, and an even higher percentage of Democrats, live in New Castle County.

          The whole “Delaware is a better choice to go first” rests primarily on the fact that our demographics are far closer to the nationwide general electorate’s demographics than Iowa or NH. But there are other differences as well.

          We have a tightly closed primary system. Iowa’s is open, New Hampshire’s semi-open, in that an unaffiliated voter can vote in either primary. Does this make these states more representative or less so? I don’t know and can’t find any research (not looking all that hard, tbh) either way.

          Of course, the whole argument is academic, because there’s no support in the national party for Delaware to do any such thing, and the last thing I would ever expect the state Democratic Party to do is go rogue.