Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday May 9 2022

May (in Latin, Maius) was named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with growth and fertility.  I was going to make a connection between the month of May and Justices Barret and Alito referencing the need for abortion restrictions in order to maintain the “domestic supply of infants” available for adoption.  I was going to do that, but it fuck it. Who cares that the legal reason behind this court’s rulings are gibberish wrapped in nonsense?  The longstanding legal precedent of “LOL, Fuck you!” reigns from on high.

Here are a couple of two more sickening stories and one happy story to start your week. I’m rescuing the sickening ones from earlier post because the Monday shift is the glamor shift all posts hope to land on.

Support the “Abortion Providers Protection Act”

Laws that create special classes (where crimes against them get additional punishments) are mostly bullshit virtue signaling – as in “WhAt? yUo d0nT zuPp0rt tHe p0LICE!?!?!”  I mean if you support cops, get them de-escalation training.  If you support teachers, fucking pay them.

Regarding the DEGOP falling assbackwards into writing a law that explicitly protects abortion providers, a wise man said, “Sometimes the right thing happens for the wrong reason.” 

I can’t understand why this story is breaking nationally.  It is appalling. There is video, and it was written up with grace and precision by Sydney Anderson.  

DSU Womans Lacrosse Team Racially Profiled by Georgia State Police

The intermittent and unpredictable flag of the day is the Starry Plough. It was originally used by the Irish Citizen Army, a socialist Irish republican movement, and subsequently adopted by other Irish political organizations. It was first flown on 5 April 1914 over the Imperial Hotel by the Irish Citizen Army during the 1916 Easter Rising.

It appears here because he political arm of the IRA, Sinn Fein, hailed a “new era” Saturday for Northern Ireland as it captured the largest number of seats in the Northern Ireland Assembly for the first time in a historic win.

I’m nobody’s Brexit expert, but I have to think (without looking it up) that having tasted the benefits of the EU, the good people of Ulster, catholics and protestants alike, have finally had it with the Tory assholes in Westminster.

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