Why do Delaware Democrats allow Republicans to take part in Democratic Party primaries?

Filed in National by on May 11, 2022

It seems very permissive and libertine for Democrats to allow Republicans to run in their primary elections. Like this Kelly Williams Maresca running against Representative Wilson-Anton for example.  She is super anti-science and Pro-Trump. She also appears to be endorsed by the gun fanatics at the “Women’s Defense Council.”

Or is this the kind of thing that happens to Sean Lynn, where the DEQOP knows goddam well they can’t win running a Republican in the general, so they get someone to pose as a Democrat in the primary?


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    You know who maxed out to this MAGAt? John Viola. Loser to Madinah. Long-time ally of Tiny Tony DeLuca, Speaker Pete and Our PAL Val. Father of Andria Bennett.

  2. Jason330 says:

    This kind of thing makes me wonder why Democrats don’t change their affiliation to run in Western Sussex, or any RD where a Democrat can’t win. Then I remember how stupid and pointless this strategy has been.

    Spend away, Tony.

  3. SussexAnon says:

    Case in point. Greg Fuller, former Democrat, is now running for Register of Wills as a Republican in Sussex. And now he’s faces a primary opponent. One of his latest post is “Back the Blue” with people wearing Go Brandon t-shirts. Sad.

  4. bamboozer says:

    And so the reality that all politicians are congenital liars, infinitely corruptible and prone to criminality did grow and become apparent . The difference is that here in tiny Delaware it’s easy to see, especially after repeated lessons.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Not all.

      Just most.

      More on that in my legislative write-up.

      Coming whenever I write it.