Delaware Political Weekly: May 6-12, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 13, 2022

1. Eric Morrison To Face Primary Challenger?  Looks that way.  A committee was filed on behalf of one Michael Hertzfeld this week.  Listed as a D and hailing from Eric’s 27th RD. Hey, guess what? He’s a cop. A Black copI smell Kop Kabal stench all the way up here. You didn’t think Pistol Pete and Our PAL Val were going to go gently into that good night, did you?  You can contribute to Eric, who I think has had an outstanding first term, right here.

2.  Nicole Poore’s Primary Challenger Drops Out.  Sometimes, you subtract by subtracting.  James Welsh, who looked like a solid challenger to Delaware’s Most Unethical Senator, has withdrawn from the race. His website has also disappeared into the ether.  Ditto for his Twitter account.  It’s as if he never existed.

3. Ex-Cop From Cop Family Files For Reelection In Kent County.  Terry Pepper (D) has filed for reelection to an At-Large spot on Kent County Levy Court.  If memory serves, his father once ran for the General Assembly from Kent County.  He has also served as an ‘advisor’ to the State Of Delaware for something like 21 years.  Betcha he’s ‘advising’ police agencies.  Actually, police and fire agencies:

Second, I served in the Governor’s office in a number of positions: 1) Governor’s Liaison to Local and County Governments in Delaware, where I obtained extensive knowledge of the challenges faced daily by our county and local governments. 2) Liaison to the Volunteer Fire companies and the State Fire Commission, providing insight into the issues faced by our volunteers. 3) Policy Advisor for Safety and Homeland Security, working with state and local police agencies, local governments and fire companies to insure public safety for the State and

Third, as a Delaware State Trooper and as Delaware’s Homeland Security Advisor (my current position), I have the knowledge and experience to provide guidance and leadership for Kent County. I am currently the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee on Levy Court, responsible for the Kent County Emergency Preparedness Office, Kent County 911 Emergency Reporting Center and the Kent County Paramedics.

Really, there’s nothing wrong with that.  I wish I could remember when and if his dad ran for state rep.  If any of you remember, please post the info.

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Mitch Crane says:

    Eric Morrison has turned out to be an excellent and conscientious legislator. He has proposed and advanced progressive legislation and tends to constituent services. I see no reason people in the 27th would have to turn him out.

  2. Friend says:

    Mr. Crane “He has proposed and advanced progressive legislation” how about his other constituents in his district, what about their concerns? If it’s not a progressive legislation it doesn’t get worked or a least not as hard. You seem to have a real problem with Police Officers. It appears to me that it took the Kop Kabal to get the marijuana bill across the finish line. To be clear, I agree with some of the progressive proposals but let’s be fair all the constituents of the 27th not just progressives.

    • jason330 says:

      wON’T SOMEONE think about the rich white guys?

    • liberalgeek says:

      Resident of the 27th here. Eric has been very good at bridging the divide. If you have an issue that requires intervention of a state rep (of some other elected official) Eric will get you where you need to be.

    • Alby says:

      ” It appears to me that it took the Kop Kabal to get the marijuana bill across the finish line. ”

      So they finally stopped blocking it, and you think they deserve applause for that? Is that why you capitalized Police Officers?

      I can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t have a problem with police officers acting as police officers. I have problems with them acting as a political bloc. If you don’t, think about it harder.

  3. Andrew C says:

    Terry Pepper’s daughter is also a cop, specifically Master Corporal and “Public Information Officer,” Heather Pepper. Grew up seeing the family at church and went to school with both their daughters. Not a fan.

  4. bamboozer says:

    ” I have problems with them acting as a political bloc”. Me too. And we pay a big price for it.

  5. The Kop Kabal has destroyed any chance for even minimal reform of the so-called Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill Of Rights, which gives cops the right to do whatever they please with impunity.

    That alone is reason to oppose ANY MORE COPS in the General Assembly.

    • Alby says:

      No more cops. Period, full stop. They already have an outsized political voice.

      The best way to shrink the force is for the state to stop underwriting Sussex County’s policing; that county is awash in beach house tax revenue and can damn well afford to foot the bill itself.

      Yes, Sussex pays a hefty sum for those state police, but nobody pretends it’s sufficient for what they’re getting. Those generous pensions are paid by state taxpayers, not SuxCo taxpayers.