Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Friday May 13 2022

Friday… the THIRTEENTH!?  Scary. Especially if you are a POC in Georgia at a “routine” traffic stop.

How does a “left lane violation” lead to search? Oh right, racism.

I like the folks who are defending the Georgia Cops by noting that nobody was shot.   #Professionals!  

I also like how the George police were able to PROVE that race had nothing to do with it by releasing the body cam footage they had of the many times they shook down Sewannee’s Field Hockey Team.



Law of unintended consequences & Putin’s war:

LONDON — Finland’s leaders said it intended to apply for NATO membership “without delay” — prompting Russia to threaten that it would “be forced to take retaliatory steps” if the Nordic country joins the Western military alliance.

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and President Sauli Niinistö released a joint statement on Thursday announcing their support for Finland — which shares an 810-mile border with Russia — to join the alliance.

“NATO membership would strengthen Finland’s security,” the statement said. “As a member of NATO, Finland would strengthen the entire defence alliance.” The leaders added that Finland must apply “without delay” and expressed hope that the steps needed to make the decision would be “taken rapidly within the next few days.”

Marin’s Social Democratic Party is expected to announce a decision about joining on Saturday, with the five-party governing coalition in Helsinki expected to announce on Sunday

Maybe is time to address climate change now that rich people are being impacted? 


Remember when Chris Coons worked hand in glove with Republicans in the Senate to push through all those Trump judicial appointments?   Good times.  I wonder that all those Trumpy judges are up to now? 
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