Carney’s Veto is Appalling
Cassandra Marshall – Via FB
This is so very appalling. Especially that Governor Carney can’t connect the dots between the DSU student stop that was utterly fueled by anticipation of collecting up small amounts of weed from young Black people and legalization. A thing that happens on the regular all over Delaware. Rarely, of course, to white people because weed is functionally legal for them — as in the police are rarely stopping young white people looking for weed. You can’t be against the trauma and indignation imposed upon the DSU team and decide to continue to impose the very same on the Black and brown people in your own state.
We are living with a river of guns coming through this state that law enforcement can’t control and yet, we can’t give up on the prospect of still prosecuting the most penny-ante battle of the failed War on Drugs. It’s a waste of police resources, a waste of court resources, and a real wasted opportunity.
What Cassandra calls a “waste of resources” is just another way of saying that the war on drugs is a job-creation program for cops and prosecutors.
Permanent war isn’t just something we wage overseas, and Cassandra has hit upon the reason it exists in the first place. Remember John Ehrlichman’s confession?
Carney is either such a blockhead that he can’t connect the dots, or he is just simply bought off by the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex.
Both possibilities are equally nauseating.
Vetoes are extremely rare in the Delaware Way. Progressive legislation typically dies in committee or is gutted by amendment before it ever reaches the governor. Carney’s veto is no more appalling than the death of LEOBOR reform or the many defeats of minimum wage increase, to name a few.
I wonder how many legislators voted for legal weed ONLY because they knew Carney would veto. Unlike the lame duck Carney, they have to run again.
This is the likeliest explanation. Let the guy who’s gonna die anyway throw himself on the grenade.
His inability to think ahead here will cause more issues in his remaining years than he seems to realize. This act, especially if there is no corresponding override attempt, only ensures more successful progressive primaries this fall – and more bills coming to his desk that he will have issue with.
I mean, is that not the only plausible reason that Maron would have said anything at all?
Any legislator without an existing primary should statement their support for override before someone files against them.
Agree with puck. LEOBOR reform is the most egregious. This is just the most obvious.
I want the veto override to come to a vote and fail because someone changed their vote. Because that’s the most absurd outcome.
**Just noticed I used the neutral plural pronoun in that sentence. Everyone understood it and the world didn’t end. LOL.
Because “their” is a logical substitution for “his or her.” When it’s used to refer to an individual, it does sometimes cause syntactic confusion. The world still doesn’t end, though.
Hard not to notice democracy frequently doesn’t work in Delaware, just because the people want it doesn’t mean it’s got a chance in hell of being past. The ultimate solution will be based on greed, when the revenue starts rolling in over in New Jersey the tiny minds in Dover will connect the dots in search of money. This is a repeat of the performance that was launched against the casinos, followed by complete surrender and the building of those cesspools of iniquity we call casinos anyway. So it will go with legalization.
I was reading a music review I thought was about a group until I realized the “they” being referred to was actually just one person. Then it starting making sense, in a way.
Thanks old guy!
I’m about as old as Nathan. It still confuses me.
My wife and kids are, um, not pleased with me on this.
Backward corrupt little cabal state
Delaware hasn’t had a good governor in forever