Is this really the freedom they died for?

Filed in National by on May 30, 2022

Memorial Day FB post by a friend gets to the heart of it.

I know that today we’re supposed to remember those who died serving our country. But I feel that many of those people would be appalled at what our country is turning (has turned?) into.

They would be appalled to know that the same kinds of weapons with which we armed and trained them to “defend our freedom” are now easily obtainable by the worst elements of our society. More easily, in some cases, than cold medicine.

So on this Memorial Day, I remember the victims of the violent, militaristic culture we’ve created at home. In particular, those victims who were murdered before being able to reach the age where they could fully participate in our “democracy.”

And I remember the adults who only wanted to help those young victims learn and grow into productive citizens.

It’s not about disrespecting the memory of those who died while serving our country. But it’s also not about “performant patriotism” – something at which both political parties cynically excel. Especially on Memorial Day.

It IS about living up to the ideals those who died while serving our country believed in when they chose to make what many call “the ultimate sacrifice.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Does Vegas give odds for the next gun slaughter? I mean, we all know it’s coming, the only questions being when and where. Just like Sandy Hook nothing will happen, many words and no action, other then NRA lovers seeking to defend the indefensible.