The Beach Boys Usher In Summer

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on May 30, 2022

I mean, who else?

Let Summer Begin!

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  1. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Well, for those of us of a more mature age, there’s this:

  2. The thing about those Beach Boys songs–with the exception of All Summer Long, is the melancholia that suffuses all of them. That’s why they stick with me, and perhaps resonate even more with each passing year.

    BTW, for you younger readers, ‘All Summer Long’ played over the closing credits of American Graffiti, which was George Lucas’ second film. His FIRST film was memorialized on a license plate in American Graffiti–THX 1138. All of this pre-Star Wars.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    Fun fact, The Beach Boys corporate Attorney in the 70’s was Harris’s Brother in law:)

    • Does he also think that Mike Love was an asshole?

      • Joe Connor says:

        Ernie has been dead sine the 80’s i never asked. He defended me on a Reckless driving ( trumped up!) when I was doing McGovern 72, He was married to ex Miss Delaware Kendall McDowell.

      • Alby says:

        The very question implies that someone somewhere doesn’t think Mike Love is an asshole, which is impossible.