DL Open Thread Saturday, June 4, 2022

Filed in National by on June 4, 2022

Alex Pareene asks the salient question, “What do cops do?” He answers it, too — they do what’s easy, avoid what’s hard and slack off a lot, just like people in every other job. The difference is they’re not fired for it.

In further proof that “Republican” is now synonymous for “shithead and proud of it,” a GOP congressman from upstate New York said this week that he’d vote for an assault weapon ban. A day later he was forced to withdraw from his race for re-election under pressure from party officials.

While Republicans demonstrate their unfitness for office on an hourly basis, so-called journalists are very concerned about Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman’s recent stroke because — this is rich — he hasn’t been as forthcoming as they’d like about what’s wrong with his heart. Now they have some answers. So do the Republicans, who apparently convinced hedge fund asshole David McCormick to drop out of his recount, giving the nomination to The Pride of Tower Hill School, carpetbagging snake-oil peddler Dr. Mehmet Oz. Whom that asshole Oprah has yet to apologize for. Fuck, she hasn’t even apologized for Dr. Phil yet.

World’s richest (con)man Elon Musk said he was cutting Tesla’s 100,000-strong workforce by 10% because he has a “super bad feeling” about the economy. Given that $5-a-gallon gasoline and $6.50 diesel should boost demand for electric vehicles, this makes no sense, and Joe Biden wished him “lots of luck on his trip to the moon.”

For those who foolishly believe our system works, I offer this counter-evidence: Some asshole juror in the trial of the guy who bilked millions to build Trump’s useless “wall” (I use scare quotes because a real wall actually holds something up) won’t vote to convict because his fellow jurors are “New York liberals” conducting a “witch hunt.” No, actually, pal, it’s an asshole hunt, and we just found another one.

All this fiddling is going on while Greenland — or rather its mile-thick ice sheet — is melting. So cheer up, we’re all doomed anyway. At least the weather is nice.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thanks for linking to that Alex Pareene piece. (Now, that’s a sentence I never thought I would type.)