DL Open Thread Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 6, 2022

Say what you like about Liz Cheney, she has more balls than 90% of Washington’s Democrats. She told CBS News that the Jan. 6 conspiracy was broad and well-organized. Funny, I don’t see Chris Coons rushing to applaud her bipartisan spirit.

A bunch of Proud Boys were indicted for seditious conspiracy, which hardly seems fair since the politicians who orchestrated the attack on the Capitol are still skating free.

New entry in America’s Most Useless Cop sweepstakes: Three officers in Tempe, Ariz., recreated the first verse of Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight,” as they watched a man drowning and would not lend a hand. The union said they didn’t have the right equipment, I suppose meaning they didn’t have brains capable of compassion.

Aren’t you just sick of the media reporting nothing but bad news — or worse, reporting every story with a negative spin? For example, you didn’t see anybody point out that new record high carbon dioxide levels means those pesky ice ages will never trouble humanity again.

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  1. Grifters gonna grift. Who thought that, in 2022, Michael ‘Ozzie’ Myers would reprise his ‘Money talks, bullshit walks’ scam? I know that I didn’t:


    Is Ron Aiello still around?