Last time we looked at the Governors of yore and I’m glad I started there because we can dispense with who we’d like to be Governor and discuss who will probably be the 75th Gov of Smellaware. There is no need for a drum roll. Based on the fact that 60% of recent Govs had previously served as Lt Gov and the probability matrix that fact establishes, the next Governor is going to be Matt Denn. …or Bethany Hall-Long.
But wait… 60% isn’t destiny, you might say. There is a 40% chance that the next Gov might NOT have counted the days while pacing around the 10×10 confines of the Lt Gov’s cell.. I mean office. So, ok let’s see who could be a member of the lucky 40%.
Continuing on with the theme of probabilities 100% of recent Governors have served in some statewide office. So Matt Meyer, NC County Executive, is out of the running. So is my pick, Sarah McBride. More to the point, these people are in the running: Chip Flowers, Park City Kathy, Colleen C. Davis, Lisa Blunt Rochester, and who am I forgetting?
So let’s take Chip and Kathy out of consideration based on Chip not being a Delawarean, and Kathy being eventually convicted. US Rep to Gov has a track record, so LBR is in the running. But LBR knows full well that she only needs to sit tight and Carper’s Lifetime sinecure in the US Senate will become LBR’s lifetime sinecure in the US Senate. That’s too big of a prize to screw around with, so I don’t think she is terrible interested. And speaking of not terrible interested Colleen C. Davis is invisible. I don’t know how she is making out as Treasurer, but as far as staYing out of the headlines is concerned, Davis needs to win an award for being the anti-McGuiness.
That brings us back to BHL, Matt Denn and what the heck…I’ll say Matt Meyer (using the Chris Coons precedent of being able to fluke-a-juke an even bigger jump from New Castle County Executive to the US Senate).
Now let’s let Denn (sadly) off the hook. So it is the odds on favorite, BHL vs the longest of long shots, Meyer. I’d vote for Meyer in that contest, but Hall-Long is very well liked.
In closing, Sarah McBride for Lt Gov!