Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, June 11, 2022

Should Biden Run In 2024?  Of course the answer is no.  Most D’s will only speak anonymously.  Not David Axelrod, though:

“The presidency is a monstrously taxing job and the stark reality is the president would be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of a second term, and that would be a major issue,” said David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Barack Obama’s two winning presidential campaigns.

“Biden doesn’t get the credit he deserves for steering the country through the worst of the pandemic, passing historic legislation, pulling the NATO alliance together against Russian aggression and restoring decency and decorum to the White House,” Mr. Axelrod added. “And part of the reason he doesn’t is performative. He looks his age and isn’t as agile in front of a camera as he once was, and this has fed a narrative about competence that isn’t rooted in reality.”

Here’s a voter I agree with:

Judy Vidal, 58, a retail worker from Cape Coral, Fla., echoed that sentiment.

“I just wish that since we have the majority now they would have behaved the way Republicans did and push things through,” she said.

That’s the reason there’s an enthusiasm gap.  This group of D’s will never learn: You can’t negotiate with terrorists.

Ginni Thomas Is A Criminal.  She is a seditionist, and should be tried as such:

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, according to emails obtained by The Washington Post.

The message,just days after media organizations called the race for Biden in Arizona and nationwide, urged lawmakers to “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure” and claimed that the responsibility to choose electors was “yours and yours alone.” They had “power to fight back against fraud” and “ensure that a clean slate of Electors is chosen,” the email said.

One would hope AG Merrick Garland would do something.  Of course, Garland symbolizes the namby-pambiness of the Biden Administration.  I doubt it was possible to have found a weaker, more indecisive AG.

Tesla: The ‘Fake Meat’ Of Cars?  A think-piece that’ll make you–think.

Did Sonoma Winemakers Force Laborers To Support Unsafe Working Conditions?  Sure looks that way:

Now, vineyard laborers like García are pressing officials to enact stronger worker protections during wildfire seasons. They want hazard pay, disaster insurance and safety material distributed in Indigenous languages – García’s first language is Mixteco. They are also pushing for community safety observers to be allowed to monitor working conditions in evacuation zones and for clean water and bathrooms, even when the ash is falling.

It’s an example of a type of climate-driven labor organizing that is growing across the US, as workers face new climate hazards, such as exposure to extreme heat and hurricane disaster zones littered with dangerous materials.

In turn, a surprising counter-movement has arisen – one that has the veneer of being worker-led, but is driven by the wine industry itself.

Labor organizers say it’s a familiar tactic – one that’s long been used by powerful industries to curtail movements for worker’s rights.

But in recent months, a slick website has appeared under the name Sonoma Wine Industry for Safe Employees, or Sonoma Wise, featuring counterpoints to demands from North Bay Jobs with Justice.

Vineyard workers apparently affiliated with Sonoma Wise have rallied by the dozens against the new protections proposed by Jobs with Justice. Since then, several have stepped forward to say they felt pressured to participate by their employers.

Read the entire piece about this war against workers.  Then, you might want to reconsider your wine selections.

Delaware Physicians Support End-Of-Life Options Legislation:

DOVER — Current legislation that would allow terminally ill patients to seek medical assistance to end their suffering is supported by nearly three-fourths of Delaware physicians, according to a new study.

According to the survey, 70.7% of Delaware physicians said they would like the option to end their suffering should they themselves become terminally ill, while 16.3% said they would not want that option.

A 2020 study by survey research and strategic consulting organization GBAO Strategies found that 72% of Delaware voters supported providing terminally ill patients the opportunity to end their suffering.

So why the fuck isn’t the bill moving?  Is it b/c of the Kop Kabal’s enmity for Rep. Baumbach?  Is it b/c our somnambulant governor hasn’t gotten his grade-school Catholicism out of his blood? A combination?

Man, there’s only so much I (and presumably you) can take on a given day.  What do you want to talk about?

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