Song of the Day 6/13: Inner Circle, “Bad Boys”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on June 13, 2022

This should be the theme music for the Jan. 6 Congressional hearings when they resume tonight. Hey, it worked for “Cops,” which has resumed production for Fox Nation after Paramount dropped it in the wake of the George Floyd murder in Minneapolis.

Inner Circle, the Jamaican band that first recorded the song in 1987, was formed way back in 1968 and is still performing, though its last LP was released a decade ago. “Bad Boys” didn’t get much attention until 1989, when “Cops” debuted with a re-recorded version as its theme music. It was released as a single in 1990 but charted only in Europe until 1993, when it was released yet again and reached No. 8 on the US Hot 100.

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  1. puck says:

    For those who remember the Watergate hearings, there’s this song, which has been a lifetime earworm:

    Whatever we say isn’t quite what we mean
    We’re Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell and Dean