DL Open Thread Wednesday June 15 2022

Filed in National by on June 15, 2022

For me, the odd thing about the Jan 6th investigation are all of the “OMG!” revelations of stuff we all saw happen with our own eyes.  Trump loudly and publicly said that he wasn’t going to honor the results if he lost and loudly and publicly didn’t.

It’s as if we all watched a toddler climb onto the countertop, take a cookie our of the cookie jar, look at us square in the eye, smash the jar, hold up the cookie, eat it, and then say, “What cookie?”

In its second hearing this month, the committee showed how the former president ignored aides and advisers in declaring victory prematurely and relentlessly pressing claims of fraud he was told were wrong.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Then…When called to give a statement to Congress on whether he promoted lies about election fraud in order to try and overturn the election, Trump used it as a forum to promote lies about election fraud in order to try to overturn the election.


  2. jason330 says:


    That Clinton/Kaine post is getting some hits for some reason. Read through the comments and see how fucking prescient all of my comments were. It is fucking eerie.

    It is a burden being right all the time.

  3. Andrew C says:

    Hi y’all! Greetings from hot and sunny South Carolina, specifically Myrtle Beach, staying with my parents for a week on vacation. A fun little time as we got to watch Tom Rice get shellacked by a Trumpist election denier the other night. The only things Dad and I agree on politically are that we hate guns, rednecks, and Trump, so he’s pretty dismayed with the state of the Republican Party as he considers his place within it. He said if Trump is the ’24 nominee he’s rescinding his registration.

    Hope you’re having a good week!