REV & Bill cover the McGuiness trial so you don’t have to

Filed in National by on June 15, 2022

You know, it is funny. It’s ha ha funny. And yet, Kathy being SO transparently corrupt, having committed crimes so casually and publicly, if she skates because the AG screws up, or because she is mobbed up with our corrupt piece of shit Speaker of the House, it really says some dire things about our state government.

After a false start in Wilmington, the Kathy McGuiness Trial has resumed in Dover. Join us through a Thompson-esque journey through employee categorization, document management, and the ol Steve Wood razzle dazzle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Celia Cohen. Jesus.

  2. bamboozer says:

    General incompetence and blatant corruption and criminality! You can almost feel the Delaware Way in the air!

  3. ScarletWoman says:

    Completely flummoxed by this case. Will it end up being much ado about nothing which leaves more than a bit of egg on Jennings’ face? Will McGuiness sail on unscathed with her pearly whites and her fake pearls, dazzling the rubes? (*This spot-on imagery stolen from above podcast commentary, which included everything except what our plucky observers wore.) The business-as-usual practice of throwing largesse at your family, friends and lovers (looking at you Tom Gordon) is pretty much part of Delaware’s DNA.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Doesn’t sound great for Jennings so far. The part about not having the excel spreadsheet in some kind of readable format (after all this time). I mean, C’mon.

  5. puck says:

    I think the judge and Kop Kabal are working together not only so McGuinness skates, but to make Jennings look incompetent in the bargain to damage her politically.

    First there was the state police slow-walking decryption of the laptops, which caused the evidence against McG to be suppressed, but the narrative was “Jennings took too long.”

    When the judge threw out the venue, McG allies got to the press first and framed it as “Jennings filed in the wrong jurisdiction.” IANAL but I’m sure there were perfectly good reasons to file in NCC, but the judge bided his time and waited to extract maximum bad press for Jennings.

    • jason330 says:

      That is probable. Even without anyone ever uttering a word about it, the gatekeepers gotta gate-keep.

      TBH I had to look up IANAL

    • RE Vanella says:

      This is factually inaccurate and not probable.

      Judge didn’t rule on venue. State switched because it was an ambiguous legal question and they didn’t want to risk it.

      On the laptop evidence, there are established guidelines that were exceeded. That’s why the evidence was excluded.

      But go off I guess lol.

      Afternoon session starts in 15 minutes

      • Jason330 says:

        I stand corrected.

        • puck says:

          Partly corrected.

          The established guidelines were exceeded because state police slow-walked the decryption of the laptops in a successful attempt to damage the prosecution’s case.

          “Judge didn’t rule on venue. ”

          That is true; I somehow remembered it wrong. My bad.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Possibly. It’s not exactly clear (to me at least) from a technical standpoint, how easy it was to decrypt and pull that data.

            Was this all due to purposeful delay or ineptitude or technical difficulty? It’s not clear. So yeah it’s possible I suppose.

            I read the motion and the judge’s order. The entire process is convoluted and messy.

            If you have evidence it was delayed on purpose to protect Pete or make the AG’s office look bad, I can send you a method to send it to me encrypted via email (Proton) or text (Signal). Would love to see it.

  6. Rufus Y Kneedog says:

    Funniest part; In a backdoor kind of way, McGuiness might do more to expose corrupt practices in state government than anyone in the history of the office.

  7. Down22 says:

    Complete incompetence by the AG office. The way they are messing this up is amazing. Kind of head scratching, they can’t even indict in the right county? Like wtf

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Just recorded another daily Dover update. I feel like we’re giving you all far too much high quality content. You don’t deserve it really. But we’re just incredibly nice people.