Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday July 28 2022

Cable news has had “Roe V Wade” obituaries in the can and ready to go for months, but  there was zero White House plan for this ruling beyond the utter embarrassment of the  “give me $15 for November” fundraiser. (see video)

Oh Wait!  The White House is planning to barnstorm on this…

…hold on…, what?  It isn’t the rogue court they are going to keep in the headlines, but the economy?   (Rubs eyes…looks at bottle of whiskey in his hand… throws it in trash…)

You know what might have been a good thing to have lined up?   What about a simple yes or no vote on a national law allowing abortion in the case of rape or incest or mother’s life in danger today?    What about a law taking paternity rights away from rapists?  Why not force Republicans to say the evil shit out loud?

No.   “We Democrats could lose that vote and we would be embarrassing.”     Does anyone honestly think Dems could be more embarrassing than they are now?

Meanwhile in the “real” America we keep hearing so much about, Mike Huckabee has a kids book series that will teach your children “the real truth” about Trump that “the media is keeping from America.”  This shit is not an SNL parody.

The mainstream media has been no friend to President Trump, and they’ll never admit that he did a great job leading our country and making the changes that America needs. But, as future voters, our children and grandchildren deserve to understand the truth about President Trump and what made him a great president.

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