The Nightmare Scenario – If you don’t think the GOP is preparing for this in 2024, you are as clueless as Chris Coons

Filed in National by on July 3, 2022

I’ve included more than I should under fair use, but I don’t think Thom Hartmann would mind.

This scenario isn’t just plausible: it’s probable. GOP-controlled states are already changing their state laws to allow for it, regardless of how their people vote.

Six Republicans on the Supreme Court just announced—a story that has largely flown under the nation’s political radar—that they’ll consider pre-rigging the presidential election of 2024.

Republican strategists are gaming out which states have Republican legislatures willing to override the votes of their people to win the White House for the Republican candidate.

Here’s how one aspect of it could work out, if they go along with the GOP’s arguments that will be before the Court this October:

It’s November, 2024, and the presidential race between Biden and DeSantis has been tabulated by the states and called by the networks. Biden won 84,355,740 votes to DeSantis’ 77,366,412, clearly carrying the popular vote.

But the popular vote isn’t enough: George W. Bush lost to Al Gore by a half-million votes and Donald Trump lost to Hillary Clinton by 3 million votes but both ended up in the White House. What matters is the Electoral College vote, and that looks good for Biden, too.

As CNN is reporting, the outcome is a virtual clone of the 2020 election: Biden carries the same states he did that year and DeSantis gets all the Trump states. It’s 306 to 232 in the Electoral College, a 74-vote Electoral College lead for Biden, at least as calculated by CNN and the rest of the media.  Biden is heading to the White House for another 4 years.

Until the announcement comes out of Georgia. Although Biden won the popular vote in Georgia, their legislature decided it can overrule the popular vote and just awarded the state’s 16 electoral votes to DeSantis instead of Biden.

An hour later we hear from five other states with Republican-controlled legislatures where Biden won the majority of the vote, just like he had in 2020: North Carolina (15 electoral votes), Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20) and Arizona (11).

Each has followed Georgia’s lead and their legislatures have awarded their Electoral College votes—even though Biden won the popular vote in each state—to DeSantis.

Thus, a total of 88 Electoral College votes from those six states move from Biden to DeSantis, who’s declared the winner and will be sworn in on January 20, 2025.

Wolf Blitzer announces that DeSantis has won the election, and people pour into the streets to protest. They’re met with a hail of bullets as Republican-affiliated militias have been rehearsing for this exact moment and their allies among the police refuse to intervene.

After a few thousand people lay dead in the streets of two dozen cities, the police begin to round up the surviving “instigators,” who are charged with seditious conspiracy for resisting the Republican legislatures of their states.

After he’s sworn in on January 20th, President DeSantis points to the ongoing demonstrations, declares a permanent state of emergency, and suspends future elections, just as Trump had repeatedly told the world he planned for 2020.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Cutting to the conclusion:

    “Trump’s January 6th effort failed because every contested state had laws on the books requiring all of their Electoral College votes to go to whichever candidate won the popular vote in the state.

    That will not be the case in 2024.

    As we are watching, the Supreme Court—in collaboration with state legislatures through activists like Ginny Thomas—are setting that election up right now in front of us in real time.

    We damn well better be planning for this, because it’s likely coming our way in just a bit more than two short years.”

  2. Joe Connor says:

    Which is why on November 4th 2024 I will be watching from my condo or cottage overlooking the Irish Sea.

  3. Interesting says:

    There is no way Biden gets 86 million votes…. He couldn’t find himself to a voting booth if he tried. But seriously, the scenario as presented is comically ridiculous…even for us.

    • huh says:

      Is it? Is it really, though? Maybe the vote tally is off, but if the Supreme Court decides in favor of the Independent State Legislatures theory, then the gloves are off. GOP legislatures WILL overturn their state’s popular vote and give the election to the Republican.

      We have said “Yeah, right!” about too much over the last decade regarding what the GOP is capable of doing. We didn’t believe Trump would get elected. He did. This will very likely happen and we need to plan for it.

      • Alby says:

        First of all, enough with the doomsaying. Yes, it could happen, but the only real accomplishment of such pieces — and they are legion — is to heighten anxiety in search of clicks.

        By which I mean, what are you going to do to prepare for this scenario? Vote harder? If preparation involves anything other than guns and ammunition it’s almost certainly wasted effort.

        They want a civil war, though they’d prefer abject surrender, and when they look at our sorry cesspool of ancient turds they probably expect it. Our only decision is whether to fight back.

  4. Arthur says:

    How do you know coons is clueless? Isn’t he a big evangelical with a degree in theology or something? Maybe this is a plan he fully supports

    • jason330 says:

      It is a longstanding question – Is Coons stupidly unaware of how his “friends” in the GOP are operating or is he cynically playing ball. I go back and forth on that.

  5. puck says:

    I think Coons looks up to Republicans as alphas who are naturally entitled to power. At the same time I think his Divinity-school compassion is sincere and thus he will vote to protect social justice. But on issues of money and political power, his personal need for approval from Republican alphas is greater than his compassion for the rest of us.

  6. All Seeing says:

    Coons is a cork soaker that sniffs Republican farts all day and gets hight off them. We can do better.
    The real question what in the hell is Carper doing? Isn’t he like an Oyster that only comes out of his shell to grab his paycheck and five government pensions? I say he aint doing enough for all that government money he’s collecting.

  7. All Seeing says:

    Amen to that Jason.