DL Open Thread Monday July 4 2022

Filed in National by on July 4, 2022

This usurpation of power by Wisconsin legislature should be shocking. It isn’t shocking because the entire GOP has given up on even pretending that America is a democracy.

The Prehn case

The Prehn case in Wisconsin offers a telling data-point about democratic erosion in the states, where gerrymandered state legislatures can effectively maintain their policy control of the executive even when they lose the only elections they have not rigged.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Akron cops shot unarmed Black man 60 times:


    If that happened in Delaware, nothing would happen to the cops, thanks to LEOBOR. We live in a police state.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Sad agreement, Delaware is indeed a “police state”, the police do as they damn well please here. The Delaware state police in particular think they have a right to a political presence, endorsed Trump and the result is more money from the cowards of the “generous assembly” (a little blast of nostalgia there).

    • The County cops are no better. They intimidated a prospective challenger to fellow ex-County cop Franklin Cooke right out of the race.

      • bamboozer says:

        I’m at the very bottom of New Castle Co., literally Kent Co. is across the street. As such no county cops, but if having county police got rid of the endless town police down here I’d welcome it.

  3. Andrew C says:

    Just south of the Wisconsin border in a wealthy Chicago suburb, a gunman shot up a July 4th parade.


    Still an active situation. It’ll never end.

  4. mediawatch says:

    Driving down my street today, it pained me to see a Blue Lives Matter flag in between, thankfully, a much larger number of Stars and Stripes. Every time I see one of those damned flags I’m reminded that we live in a police state. To me, those flags are every bit as anti-American as the Confederate flag. It’s a shame that none of our pols are willing to tell the cops how their symbolism is interpreted.

  5. Speaker Pete still ‘unavailable for comment’ re his acolyte, KMG:


    Kowalko speaks the truth:

    “Quite frankly, there’s a sense of betrayal that he did not make a statement with House leadership or even since then,” Rep. Kowalko said. “Our political loyalties should never stand in the way of insisting that elected officials are not above any kind of behavior that tarnishes the office.”

    “Throughout his entire 10-year tenure as speaker, he has exercised an authoritarian abuse of his office. If you want to portray yourself as a leader, and instead you portray yourself as an unchallenged, authoritarian figure, you are also obligated to take a position on something as important as the Auditor of Accounts’ office misconduct,” Rep. Kowalko said.