Delaware Liberal

Speaker Pete’s ‘Unavailable For Comment’ Watch: Day 6

It was a day much like any other day.

John Carney says his ‘hands are tied’ when it comes to doing anything about KMG:

On Tuesday, Governor John Carney weighed in on the conviction of State Auditor Kathy McGuiness on three misdemeanor charges while in office, stating there’s not much he can do about her maintaining her role, his hands are tied for now.

The Senate D leadership agrees, and says that they are prepared to act:

“At this juncture, we believe both the Constitution and the gravity of Auditor McGuiness’s crimes compel the General Assembly to make use of its own authority to remove her from office, whether via Article VI impeachment or Article III removal proceedings. Today, we want to make crystal clear our intentions to do exactly that for the Delawareans who are demanding accountability following the Auditor’s egregious breach of public trust.

Lydia York calls for KMG’s resignation, and explains why she’s running for Auditor:

On Friday, Delaware’s current Auditor of Accounts, Kathleen McGuiness, was found guilty of three public corruption crimes. Her criminal behavior has shaken our confidence in the office of Auditor of Accounts. The essential characteristic of our system of government is that officeholders will act in the interests of all the people and not for themselves at the expense of the people. Given the current Auditor’s indiscretions, she is no longer a public servant that Delawareans are confident in. Kathleen McGuiness should resign immediately.

I am running to restore the public’s trust in this important office. I have a degree in accounting from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, an MBA from Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and two law degrees from Temple University Beasley School of Law. I am well qualified to make sure that taxpayer dollars are utilized appropriately. I will also restore integrity and professionalism to an office that has struggled with scandal in the last few years.

The people who wrote our state constitution had a particular vision about how the Auditor of Accounts office was supposed to work. Unfortunately, given the current Auditor’s legal troubles we have seen that the current Auditor is not fulfilling that vision. A well-functioning Auditor’s office is an independent check on the use of public funds. It is important that those dollars are independently reviewed to make sure they are spent in an efficient and effective manner. Our taxpayer dollars should be used to promote opportunity and innovation for the citizens of Delaware.

I am a leader with integrity who will be focused on the citizen’s business, which is accurately reporting on how taxpayer funds are used. Delaware deserves an Auditor’s office that is trustworthy and focused on the work at hand. I will restore transparency, accountability, and leadership to the office of Auditor of Accounts. Please vote for me on September 13 and together we will make sure the people’s work is getting done.

Someone vaguely matching Pete’s description shambles around the Delaware State Troopers’ Association in Cheswold, sporting a pair of ‘America’s Mayor’ slippers (a likeness of Rudy’s grinning head looming above each foot), a pair of boxer shorts emblazoned with AK-47’s, and an oversized bathrobe that had gone missing earlier that same day from outside the Shower/Waterboarding Room. He appears to be rummaging for table scraps.

When approached, all he said was, “I am unavailable for comment.”

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