Delaware Political Weekly: July 1-7, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 8, 2022

1. Filing Deadline Tuesday At Noon.  The only way that candidates can get on the ballot after that is, if either Party has a vacant slot, they can designate someone to fill that slot.

2. Kop Kabal Gangs Up On Kerri Evelyn Harris.  Yet another Black candidate has filed.  One Lamont Pierce.  Three Black candidates, one white candidate.  You do the math.  The good news?:  This demonstrates how scared they are.  Kerri had better be working hard…

3.  Waiting On Sophie Phillips.  I believe she is the only remaining progressive stalwart yet to file.  She’s amazing, though.  Check out her bio.  Now, file already, dammit!

4. Hoo, Boy! Is Nnamdi Facing A Primary From–Shane Darby??  Sure looks like it.  She filed her campaign committee for that office this week.  That would be–awesome!

5. Any D Thinking Of Filing In RD 14?  I think someone should consider it.  Yes, it’s Pete Schwartzkopf’s district. Yes, he’s filed.  But that was months before KMG’s conviction.  He remains in hiding, there’s at least a chance that he will opt out of running to forestall the release of some dirty laundry.  If another D files now, and if Schwartzkopf opts out, the other D will be the nominee.  If nobody files and if Pete opts out, the district committee controlled by Pete will choose his successor.  Not to mention, how much has Pete been weakened politically from his latest travails?  Besides, I’d really love to see it.

6. James Taylor Files.  I hope he runs a strong campaign.  However, this is one race where the incumbent is the sole issue.  Effective grassroots support can topple Stephanie Bolden even if the candidate doesn’t run as hard as one would like.  Every registered D who rents in the district needs to know that Stephanie has placed campaign contributions over their rights as renters.   I think the people to whom I’m sending this message will respond to it.

7. Is Lisa Diller Retiring?  I think so.  Otherwise, I highly doubt that a County Council staffer would have filed to run in her district.  Her name is Valerie George.  To claim that she’d have to go a long way to match the record of Lisa Diller would be an understatement.  Lisa was an early role model for others who viewed serving on County Council as something to be admired.  If indeed she is retiring, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.

8. Yes! D Files In RD 4.  This could well be a swing district.  His name is Keegan Worley.  While his priorities could use some fleshing out,  he is from the more populous area of the district.  Both R candidates are from Millsboro, hardly the heart of the district.  Keep this race on your radar.

9. R Files In RD 13.  Carlucci Coelho.  He’s either a real estate agent with Patterson-Schwartz, or the owner of Carlucci Couture, Inc. Or both. He will face the winner of the primary between Larry Mitchell and DeShanna Neal. And will lose.

10. Filings.  Rep. Sherry Dorsey Walker (D-4th RD); Rep. Larry Lambert (D-7th RD); Rep. Sean Matthews (D-10th RD).

11.  One More Thing I Wish Would Happen Before The Deadline. I wish one of the five D’s running for Sen. Bruce Ennis’ seat would switch to run against Lumpy Carson. He can be defeated. I like the odds of running against one other opponent more than running against four.

That’s all I’ve got. Be back Tuesday for the big wrap-up.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?


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  1. Jason330 says:

    I know we have readers and commenters in RD 14?. C’mon! It’ costs $964.74 to file – wouldn’t seeing Pete’s red face turn even redder be worth it?

  2. SussexAnon says:

    Calling Don Peterson!

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    Shane Darby is 100 percent the best person for the office no matter who she would be running against. Damn.

  4. Elisa Diller says:

    Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I am retiring from serving the 5th County Council District as Councilmember in November and one of, as I like to say, the Rodney Dangerfields of elected officials (remember the 80s? and “I get no respect!”) who often do most of the work in communities and receive far less credit than they deserve. I told Matt Meyer when he was elected County Executive something like this, “Remember, there are children all over America who will go to bed tonight dreaming of becoming President, Senator, even Governor. But not one of them, not one, will dream of becoming County Executive. Know where you are in that pecking order and stay humble.” I’ve tried to follow my own advice. County government is too important to be left to hacks and crazies. We are responsible for dealing with too many issues and services.

    Val George is a fine candidate. She lives toward the center of the new 5th District which now goes all the way to the Canal and she knows the issues of those communities as a Legislative Assistant to Councilman Dave Tackett. In the past 13-plus years on New Castle County Council, I’ve worked with many fine and dedicated colleagues in both the legislative and administrative branches of the New Castle County government. If I’ve contributed to the elevation of the New
    Castle County Council as an elected office to aspire to, I’ve done my job.

    • “County government is too important to be left to hacks and crazies.”

      You, as much as anybody, have helped that aspiration become reality.

      I’m glad that your successor is likely to follow your example.

      I wish you all the best in your retirement.

    • Timothy P Sheldon says:

      Loved working with you. Tim

  5. Steve B. says:

    Lisa, I can assure you that you’ve “…done your job”! Thank you!

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Sophie filed today.

    And Shané is a game-changer

  7. Another says:

    Good for Lisa diller. Not many desirables on the legislative body. Felt like she was one of maybe 3 who actually were in it for the right reasons

    • El Somnambulo says:

      She sorta ‘made County Council safe’ for true citizen-legislators. There are still some hangers-on, but there are some real good members on Council now. Dee Durham, Jea Street and Dave Carter are top-of-the-line, along with Lisa. And the true hacks are down to a precious few.
