The McIncest Continues

Filed in National by on July 8, 2022

“The people” are clamoring to support Kathy McGuiness.  …If by “the people” you mean people that Kathy paid through the Auditor’s office for what appeared to be campaign work.   Check out this online ad:

Would it surprise you to learn that “The Peoples PAC” is run by Tori Ann Parker?  That’s right.  The same Tori Ann Parker who was an employee of for the State Auditor/campaign guru.  The same  Tori Ann Parker who was the subject is some eyebrow raising:


I’m not lawyer, but Isn’t this EXACTLY the kind of thing she was just convicted of?  And wasn’t Parker’s company on the receiving end of the structured payments that alarmed all the whistleblowers?   I know people who followed the trial closer than I did can fill us in on Ms Parker.

Has she learned nothing?   I mean… I know she learned that “certain people” need to do a better job keeping records.  But other than that, has she learned nothing?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    It looks like the structuring was to “My Campaign Group” which, at first blush, isn’t Parker. But who knows?

    • RE Vanella says:

      Correct. MyCG was a Christie Gross jam. That entity is dead RIP. Ms Gross’ newest vehicle is called Innovate Consulting.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    This ad was also only up for a few hours and Parker was thoroughly whipped in the comments. There was maybe one positive comment to ten calling for McG’s resignation/removal.

    Here’s the ad courtesy of Facebook’s ad library.

  3. Bill says:

    Incredible ::chef’s kiss:: podcast interview of Kathy by Tori Ann from June 2021:

    No disclosure of their campaign/consulting/employment relationship, but maybe according to Tori Ann’s current story that all came later!?

    Also, I love the detail that this ep was released on June 18, 2021, or, 3 days after the Court determined that Kathy was officially on “notice” that she was under criminal investigation.