Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 7/10: The Heimatdamisch, “Highway to Hell”

It’s not showing up on the GPS, but I’m pretty sure we’re rolling down the highway to hell, which gets us there a lot faster than that old ferry boat ever could. As my dad used to say, we’re making good time.

The Heimatdamisch is a Bavarian band in the New Folk movement — what, did you think Americans were the only people into roots music? — that specializes in updating classic rock songs in a folk style known as Oberkrainer, distinguished from other oom-pah music by the instrumentation. It’s certainly a far cry from Krautrock.

The band is the led by drummer Florian Rein, and features singer/guitarist Conny Kreitmeier, who had a thriving career as a cabaret singer before joining this circus in 2015. I don’t remember where I stumbled across this cut, but apparently it got millions of views when it was posted on Facebook a few years ago.

Kreitmeier might be the star of the band, but Max Grasmüller enlivens this one with a mean tenor sax solo.

I hope this puts to rest the idea that Germans have no sense of humor. They have one, it’s just very strange.

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