Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday, July 11, 2022

Why must we amend the Constitution to ban religion’s exalted place among non-rational belief sytems: The lobbying outfit called the Family Research Council is now considered a religion by the Internal Revenue Service. So is Scientology. So basically religion is nothing but a tax dodge and an opportunity to put bigotry into practice under cover of a constitutionally protected activity. I wasn’t there at the time, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what Jefferson had in mind.

Ron DeSantis has taken another step towards proclaiming himself God Emperor of Florida, installing a right-wing kook as elections chief. My question is, why would anyone want to be God Emperor of Florida. Or of Amerika, for that matter?

Still lots of Democratic in-fighting about the tepid White House response to the end of Roe. Critics can always say Biden should do more because no matter what he does it will always be true — he always could have done more.

What’s on your mind? The floor’s yours.

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