Carper Emerges From Cryogenic Chamber As A Tool Of The Buccinis

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 12, 2022

Always get fascinating stuff in my inbox from my spies.  Take, for example, this. Please:

This drooling drone is now completely depend(s)ent on his corporate fixers.

Lisa, either step up or step aside.

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  1. Alby says:

    Re-election? Abso-fucking-lutely not. I saw him at the Hockessin July 4th parade. He was old, bent and tired and came straggling down the street after the last antique car had gone by — the perfect avatar for sorry-ass Democrats who can’t let go of the ’90s.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      More like the ’80’s.

      • Alby says:

        Democrats won nothing in the ’80s. The ’90s were when triangulation looked like a winning strategy.

        • El Somnambulo says:

          Carper made his bones in the ’80’s. Defeated Evans in 1982, effectively took over the Party apparatus since Biden just wasn’t interested in doing so.

  2. Insider says:

    These old timers don’t know how to quit.

    Tom doesn’t look or sound good recently

    • DJT Toadstool says:

      The good Senator still has another quarter of a century before he reaches Strom Thurmond status.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    Sen. Marie Pinkney has a nice ring to it:)

  4. puck says:

    Just got an email from LBR staking out her position in favor of repealing the filibuster. I filed it away in the event she becomes a Senator.

    Well actually it was one of her phony petitions: “will you join LBR and help her get 5,000 signatures in support of ending the filibuster?” Which I take to mean, “Help me refine my fundraising database by telling us which issues you are most interested in.”

    Nonetheless, “ending the filibuster” is farther than either Carper or Coons have gone.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      You know when Carper voted to end the filibuster? When Roberts and Alito were being filibustered. Carper voted against the filibuster, effectively clinching their ascendance to the Court.

  5. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    He is 14-0 in statewide general elections going back 40 years, that has to be some type of record. I suspect he might be worried about LBR losing a primary against Meyer or another upstart or possibly against a semi-legitimate R in the general (recall Scott Walker got 35% against her). Might be a less risky approach to get him re-elected in ’24 then step down and have LBR appointed to fill the remainder.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      No, no, and, um, no.

      LBR would destroy Carper in a primary. I suspect she wouldn’t be the only one. The only way the R’s might have a chance is if Carper ‘pulled a Roth’, and collapsed on camera. A distinct possibility.

      I think most Democrats see the need for change. LBR isn’t running for Governor. Looks like Meyer vs. BHL there.

      There’s no risk that LBR would lose running for the Senate. She’s already run statewide. There’s no risk that whoever is the D nominee for Congress would lose statewide. My choice would be Sarah McBride.

      • mediawatch says:

        Except that LBR owes her career to Carper, her boss in her first political job. She’s too much Delaware Way to try putting him out to pasture in a primary.
        This would be the ideal time for the GOP to recycle Lauren Half-Witzke. The debates would be quite a show: She’d do her best MTG imitation while he babbles incoherently.

        • El Somnambulo says:

          Hmmm, I disagree, which is rare when it comes to you.

          I think she will have ‘The Talk’ with him, let him know she plans to run regardless of his wishes. Now that he’s at the drool bib stage of his political career, deference will not be–deferred.

          Especially since there’s no doubt he’s getting primaried regardless.

  6. jason330 says:

    Holy shit…If he doesn’t get a serious primary this time…

  7. All Seeing says:

    Carper worked for Harkens nobody talks about that. Carper let Harkens stack the DRBA Board and Harkens went to jail. No one asked Castle or Carper why they never appointed new Commissioners to the board when terms expired. Harkens tried to unseat Ruth Ann with a Sussex has been and failed. Ruth Ann got Harkens fired then he set sail for the slammer. But Carper turned a blind eye on the Harkens affair.