Delaware Political Weekly: July 8-14, 2022
1. Withdrawal Deadline Today If You Want Your Filing Fee Back. 4:30 p.m., to be precise. And…
2. We Already Have A Taker. Richard Harpster, who had filed as the R challenger to D State Rep. Sean Lynn (RD 31), dropped out on Wednesday. While the R’s could still file someone to take his place, this could free up Rep. Lynn to (I hope) help out Kerri Evelyn Harris in that adjacent district. Lynn was one of few legislators to endorse Harris in her race against Carper in 2018.
3. There Are Fundraisers, And There Are FUNDRAISERS. Virtually the entire Delaware D establishment, and some of their big bucks contributors, are hosting the following:
With that price tag, gotta figure that El Presidente is likely to appear.
This will be the last regularly-scheduled Political Weekly for this cycle. Now that we’re through the filing deadline, political news will be posted as circumstances dictate.
That’s all I’ve got for today. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?
So I am guessing Darius will be the Bouncer:)?
The Buccinis are sponsors and their bag-lady Stephanie Bolden isn’t on the Host Committee? What’s up with that?
Vote James Taylor. Fresh representation for RD2!
More and more, I’m looking at that race as the race that could sound the death knell for the Kop Kabal.
Mr. Taylor did well in his Bunker interview. He deserves support in my view.