Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 16, 2022

House Does Less Than Nothing. Fools Press.  Kids: Here’s what the press is too dense to report–House leadership doesn’t WANT to remove McGuiness.  THEY know that the Governor is correct in his position. THEY know that starting impeachment proceedings in the House is the constitutionally-designated way to do this.  Instead, they send a letter to the Governor, on a Friday, of course, telling him to do what he has already committed to doing.  Paul Baumbach gets it right:

Baumbach in a brief interview on Friday said he felt the letter “directs the governor to do what the governor is already committed to do, so it didn’t feel like it was accomplishing anything.” He supports the Senate resolution.

“Legislators should look at legislative action,” he said, “and we’ll let the governor worry about the governor’s actions.”

McG couldn’t have asked for a more favorable result from her Kop Kompanion than this.  Which reminds me…

Your every wish is my command, all you gotta do is wiggle your little hand…I’m your puppet.

Uber Uber Alles:  Even more despicable than you thought.  Brilliant expose from the Washington Post. Worth a subscription on its own.  Uber shredded laws all over the world to wipe out the competition.

Biden Fist-Bumps Murderer.  Some are giving him a pass.  Not me:

Bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, is responsible for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to U.S. intelligence that Biden made public last year. He has also directed the brutal Saudi military campaign in Yemen and led a crackdown on Saudi human rights activists and government critics.

Biden changing his mind?  Why, that hasn’t happened since, um, bedtime:

Just last month, the president had told reporters: “I’m not going to meet with MBS. I’m going to an international meeting, and he’s going to be part of it.”

Abdullah Alaoudh, a Saudi activist whose cleric father has been detained by Saudi authorities since 2017, tweeted Friday that Biden was bumping “the same hands that have blood from killing Khashoggi and people of Yemen and activists inside!”

Weak, weak, weak.

Excessive Wealth Disorder:  Manchin could have helped to cure it.  He didn’t.

What do you want to talk about?

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