I suck at blogging. I’m still not following the news. But this item penetrated my anti-news carapace.
Judge Charles Atchley Jr was one of the record number of federal judges appointed by former President Donald Trump and rushed into service by Chris Coons, so heck of a job there Coonsie! Always remember that for the GOP, the cruelty is the point. Whenever Coons waxes rhapsodic about bipartisanship, he is indeed singing the praises of cruelty.
As far as anything else happening out there in the world, you’ll have to fill me in via the comments section.
In our smaller world, I met Lydia York and was very impressed. Meet her yourself at an upcoming fundraiser, and donate away.
I also had saw an excellent ‘DelShakes’ production of ‘The Tempest’ put in in Rockwood Park. Standout performances by Gerrad Alex Taylor as Caliban and Lexi Thammavong as Ariel. Runs (Wed – Sun) through July 31st. Buy tickets here.